BrokerTec Requests

Request Center - BrokerTec Requests is a self-service function used to create and manage entity information for CME Globex - BrokerTec entities.

For additional details, refer to the New BrokerTec customer onboarding to CME Globex - Operational Readiness Guide on the BrokerTec portal.

BrokerTec Request Functions:

  • Globex Firm IDs: Create and manage CME Globex Firm ID that identifies market participants and is used to segregate customer or business unit activity.
  • Globex User Signature: Create and manage Globex User Signatures (GUS) that Identifies BrokerTec participants (persons or algo operators) authorized to manage a group of market participants and submit orders for a given GFID.
  • Algorithmic Trading: Identify algorithmic trading systems used by the GFID and GUS and submit an Algorithmic Trading Certification Form.
  • Drop Copy Groups: Create and manage sessions that can receive trading activity communications via the iLink order entry gateway.
  • Order Entry Sessions: Create and manage Order Entry sessions that are used to send and receive orders and confirmation messages between the client and host.

Note: Using self-service functions, users can create a SenderComp, a concatenation of the Globex Firm ID (GFID), Order Entry Session (Session ID) and a Fault Tolerance Indicator (FTI), to submit / cancel orders on the production environment. The FTI is not created in Request Center, but it can be submitted for order messages.
If you have more than one application to certify, you can obtain more than one ID
See also: SenderCompID / iLink 3 - Fault Tolerance.

  • Market Data Session: Create and manage sessions that can access TCP market data via an API connection.