BrokerTec Globex Firm ID

Using the BrokerTec Requests - Globex Firm ID self-service function, authorized users can create and manage Globex Firm IDs (GFID), which identifies market participants and is used to segregate customer or business unit activity. A GFID is the Globex equivalent of the legacy BrokerTec firm signature.

  • An entity can have more than one GFID for each venue / market.
  • A GFID and associated GUS can only be assigned to one company but multiple GFIDs can be created for a Registered Entity / Administration Group.

The following instructions describe the process how to set up a Globex Firm ID (GFID).

Watch a short video that describes and illustrates the process to view and create Globex Firm IDs (GFID).

  • To create a Globex Firm ID:
  1. From the Request Center menu, select BrokerTec Requests >Globex Firm IDs.

The Globex Firm IDs page opens in a new tab.

  1. On Globex Firm ID page, select Create Globex Firm ID.

  1. Enter GFID information in four steps: 1. GFID Information, 2. Venue Information, 3. Order Entry, 4. Market Data, 5. Confirm / Submit.

Step 1: GFID Information

  • GFID: Enter a five character alphanumeric identifier that is unique at the entity.
  • Globex Firm ID Name: Specify a unique (at the entity) market participant name.
  • Effective Date: Defaults to today.

The time is represented in U.S. Central Time. As applicable, adjust for your own time zone.

  • Market: BrokerTec U.S. or BrokerTec EU*

*BrokerTec EU / UK - GFID creation requires a response to Transaction Reporting questions.

  • Geographical Location: system specified based on AG location
  • Transaction Reporting(Required for BrokerTec EU - also applicable for UK based firms): The following questions are intended to determine if your firm is under the scope of MiFIR or UK MiFIR, and has an obligation to report transactions to the relevant competent authority.
  • Applicable for participants of the BrokerTec EU MTF (UK trading venue)

Please confirm if the participant is a UK MIFID Investment Firm or is trading on the trading venue through a UK branch or is otherwise required to comply with the transaction reporting requirements of Article 26 of UK MIFIR.

  • Applicable for participants of the BrokerTec EU Regulated Market (EU trading venue)

Please confirm if the participant is an EEA MIFID Investment Firm or is trading on the trading venue through an EEA branch or is otherwise required to comply with the transaction reporting requirements of Article 26 of MIFIR.

- By selecting Yes, the participant is deemed to report all transactions in financial instruments executed by the participant on the trading venue.

- By selecting No, the operator of the trading venue shall report the details of transactions in financial instruments executed by the participant on the trading venue.

Pursuant to Article 26(5) of Regulation (EU) 600/2014 (MiFIR) and as onshored (UK MiFIR), trading venue operators are required to report details of transactions which are executed through their systems by a firm which is not itself subject to the MiFiR transaction reporting regime. Transactions executed by participants which are required to transaction report under MiFIR (e.g. MiFID firms or UK MiFID firms) should be reported by the participant and not the trading venue operator. The following question is intended to determine if your firm falls under the scope of UK MiFIR, and has an obligation to report transactions to the relevant competent authority.

If you are uncertain how to respond to these questions, or your firm’s regulatory status and require guidance, please consult with your firm's legal or compliance team.

  • Administration Group (AG): A logical grouping of GFIDs that identifies the client entity, with a designated individual that is assigned entitlements to manage GFIDs, details and the ability to create groups of GFIDs for administrative / service management and transaction separation.

Step 2: Venue Information

Select the trading Venue: BrokerTec Globex / BrokerTec Stream

If BrokerTec Stream is selected, specify the default GUS to enable and whether they are a liquidity provider or consumer.

Step 3: Order Entry Products

Select product(s) that can be traded or none; to continue creating a GFID without trading privileges.

REPO product requests require CME Group review and approval prior to completion.

  • Order Entry Access Groups

Step 4: Market Data

  • Market Data Access Groups: based on order entry product selections.
  • Volume Weighted Average Price: This option (applicable for some products) may incur extra fees.

For additional details, refer to Market Data service license types and costs on the BrokerTec Portal.

  • Additional Market Data Product Groups: Select additional products to view market data; these may be products not selected in the order entry screen.

  1. Step 5. Confirm entered information, Edit GFID details (if necessary), then select Confirm and Submit.

Successful submission is indicated by a confirmation banner and the new GFID appears on My Requests and the GFID page.

In addition to the GFID, Globex User Signature (GUS) setup is required. A GUS identifies a person authorized to manage the GFID and submit orders.

After GFID creation (and approval), set up Order Entry sessions and required APIs - iLink 3 Order Entry, Market Data, Drop Copy, CME STP, Reference Data, GC Allocator API.

BrokerTec GFID Functions

  • Include Expired: by default only active GFIDs appear.
  • Refresh - Include recently added GFIDs.
  • Export: Download the list of GFID as a .csv file.
  • Sort / Filter:  Enter search criteria in the top row, matching results appear as you type / select heading to sort ascending or descending.

  • View Details: On the main Globex Firm ID page, expand a listed GFID to view additional details; Order Entry and Market Data Product Groups.

  •  Delete (): Select delete and the confirmation dialog.
  • Edit (): Select, then update GFID fields as necessary.
  • Field Validation: Fields are validated before advancing to the next screen.