BrokerTec Globex User Signature

Using the Request Center - Globex User Signature self-service function, authorized users can create and manage Globex User Signatures (GUS), which identify the person or algo operator authorized to submit orders for a specific GFID for the entity. A GUS is the Globex equivalent of the legacy BrokerTec user signature and is associated with just one GFID. An individual person can be assigned the responsibility for the GUS; to manage multiple GFIDs.

Watch a short video that describes and illustrates the process to view and create Globex User Signatures (GUS).

Accessing BrokerTec Globex User Signature

The following instructions illustrate the process to access the BrokerTec Globex User Signatures (GUS) function.

  • To access BrokerTec Globex User Signature:

From the Request Center menu, select BrokerTec Requests > Globex User Signatures.

The page opens in a new tab.

BrokerTec GUS features

  1. Include Expired: View all GUSs, including expired.
  2. Search / Filter: Enter search criteria in the top row, results update as you type, or select the column heading to sort by ascending / descending order.
  3. Refresh: Reload the page to view added, updated, deleted GUSs.
  4. Export : Export the list of GUSs to a .csv format file for review offline. To export specific records, first enter search criteria in column headings.
  5. Actions:

  1. Page Navigation: Below the list are page appearance features to change the number of GUS identifier rowsClosed that appear or navigate pagesClosed of additional GUS identifiers.

Additional Functions

Creating a BrokerTec Globex User Signature

  • To create a Globex User Signature (GUS):
  1. From the Request Center - BrokerTec Requests menu, select Globex User Signature.

  1. On Globex User Signature page, select Create Globex User Signature then enter GUS Details: 
  • Step 1: GUS Information
  • Step 2: Order Entry Products
  • Step 3: Market Data Products

  1. GUS information (Step 1):

  1. Associated Globex Firm ID: Select the Associated Globex Firm ID that this Globex User Signature will manage. This GFID must be created prior to creating / assigning a GUS.

Select the Globex Firm ID (GFID) to which this Globex User Signature (GUS) will be entitled.

  • Globex User Signature: Specify a unique name for the GUS, unique at the firm and up to five characters.
  • Effective Date: Defaults to today's date. The effective date defaults to today's date as represented in U.S. Central Time; adjust for your own time zone.
  1. Global Front End (GFE) Details (Yes): Select to enable Global Front End application access (Yes / No) then specify additional options:

  • Global Front End Roles:

- Read Only Trader - Can access GFE and view orders,

- Trader - Can create and submit orders and cancel their own orders,

- Privileged Trader - Can create and submit orders and cancel orders for the entire firm. This user also receives FirmSoft access, which allows the user to view and cancel orders for the firm.

- Repo Trader - When requesting Repo Trader access, ensure that the selected role is External Privileged Trader or similar

  • Allow to Move Bids and Offers: Assign entitlement for bulk order management in the GFE - Bulk Order Management (BOM) function, which enable users to select orders to modify bid and offer prices then adjust the prices up or down.
  • Genium ID: (for Traders and Privileged Traders) Specify the legacy Genium ID (if applicable) that will be assigned GFE access.
  • View Orders across GFID: If the user is assigned to manage multiple GFIDs, selecting this option enables the user to view all orders (in GFE) for multiple GFIDs.
  • Self Match Prevention ID (applicable for GFE front end traders): Specify the default self-match prevention ID to add to orders submitted by the GFID.
  • SMP instructions (applicable for GFE front end traders): Specify default order handling - (1) Keep the first order and cancel the second order or (2) Cancel the first order and keep the second order.
  1. CME Group Login: Select one of the following:
  1. Select an existing CME Group Login associated with the firm.

  1. Add a CME Group Login (not available to an Admin user), including the token, then select the Confirm button.

Note: The Email address associated with the CME Group Login must match the firm's domain or its related affiliates.

  1. Global Front End Access (No):  Select if Global Front End application access is not required.

Also specify user contact info: CME Group Login ID (see above instructions), Email address or User Contact info.

- Email AddressClosedLookup email addresses associated with other CME Group applications and copy the information to contact fields.

- Enter contact manuallyClosed

  1. Step 2 Order Entry Products

  1. Select products that will be used by the GFID/GUS for trading.

GFIDs, and associated products, registered in the EU, require a Short Code.

  • Selected Repo products require CME Group approval before the GUS is activated.
  • To request off-the-run access, contact ICAP securities at the phone number / email on the page.
  1. Short Code: The short code identifies the person or algo responsible for financial / executing decision maker, on each order and associates a GUS with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) which is required for regulatory purposes

Short Codes are mapped to National ID or Algo and must be unique within the GFID. Each GFID can be associated with multiple GUS, and each GUS will have a unique associated short code.

Only one individual / natural person short code may be associated with a given Operator ID and GUS; additional person short codes may be registered using a separate GUS for each. One or more computer algorithm short codes may be associated with an Operator ID which represents an Individual overseeing the administration and operation of an ATS.

  • A natural person GUS with access to the Order Book may only be used by that person and may not be used by any other natural person or entity and may not be used for orders entered by an Automated Trading System. It is used on order messages in lieu of a personal identifier.
  • For algorithms, register one or more short codes for a GFID and GUS. For computer algorithms, the short code must meet the following conditions:

- unique for each set of code or trading strategy that constitutes the algorithm.

- used consistently when referring to the algorithm or version of the algorithm once assigned.

- unique over time.

See alsoBrokerTec Upload Facility User Guide on (BrokerTec EU RM section).

  1. Specify Market Data Products (Step 3).

Applicable if Global Front End access is selected.

For selected Order Entry Product(s) selection(s), Market Data products are automatically selected.

Select additional, as necessary.

  1. Select Next then Confirm and Submit.

Successful submission is indicated by a confirmation banner, confirmation email and the GUS will appear on My Requests.

Note: After creating a GFID and GUS, create order entry sessions to transmit orders and handle order related messages.

Cloning a BrokerTec Globex User Signature

The following instructions illustrate the process to clone an existing GUS as the basis for a new GUS.

Example: A new user joins a team that manages BrokerTec trades for a given GFID.

  • To Clone a BrokerTec GUS:
  1. From the Globex User Signature page, select the clone () icon (in the Actions column) for an existing GUS to copy.

Use the above fields for additional details on specifying GUS details.

The Associated GFID is copied from the source as the basis for the new GUS.

Globex User Signature: Specify a new and unique Globex User Signature name.

Note: To complete setup, the administrative user cloning a GUS must obtain the person's CME Group Login ID and Token.
CME Group or the admin user will never ask for the associated password.

  1. Review, then Confirm and Submit.

Expiring a BrokerTec Globex User Signature

BrokerTec Globex User Signature includes a function to expire previously registered identifiers that are no longer needed / not-used.

  • To expire a BrokerTec GUS:
  1. From the BrokerTec Requests > Globex User Signature page, select the Expire () icon (Actions column).

  1. On the dialog that appears, confirm the expiration request.

The selected GUS and associated trading systems will be expired.

Note: To view Algorithmic trading systems associated with the GUS (before expiring), search the Algorithmic Trading function for the GUS, then expand the Algorithm Name field.

  1. If necessary, assign a new GUS for the associated GFID.

Note: To view the expired GUS, select Include Expired, from the filter above the GUS list.