User Help System
BrokerTec Market Data Sessions
Using the Market Data Sessions page, authorized users can create and manage sessions that can access TCP market data via an API connection.
The following functions are available:

On the BrokerTec Requests - Market Data Sessions page, users can create new BrokerTec market data sessions.
Globex Firm IDs and Globex User Signatures must be created before requesting market data sessions.
- To create a new BrokerTec market data session:
- From the Request Center - BrokerTec Requests function, select Market Data Sessions.
- Select a Registered Entity, if necessary.
This is automatically selected for users with permissions for just one entity.
Existing market data sessions appear in a list.
- Select Create New Market Data Session and select a market (BrokerTec EU or BrokerTec U.S.).
- Enter the session details.
- Globex Firm
- Product Entitlements
- Number of Sessions: Upon submitting the request a fee acknowledgment (if applicable) indicates the amount per session and total.
- Front End System: Select the application(s) for which the session is authorized.
- Requested Live Date: The effective date the session will be available.
- To finalize, select Submit.
A notification appears at the top of the screen and an email notification is sent to the registered email address.
The request will have a status of In-Progress until it is processed daily beginning at 4 PM CST.
The request is processed and updated with a status:
- Completed: After validation and setup, the status changes to Completed and the created session appears on the BrokerTec Market Data Sessions page, with an assigned Session ID.
- Failed: Failed requests indicate the reason for failure and appears on the My Requests page.
CME Group uses a secure login process for Drop Copy, Order Entry and Market Data API services.
Using self-service functions, users can generate and manage key pairs (
+ ) to secure user login and Market Data message activity.- Customer identity verification: Login is signed with CME Group issued and validated security credentials.
- Message confidentiality and integrity: CME Globex uses customer submitted credentials to calculate the HMAC value to validate against a login request.
- Once created, credentials are accessible and available for multiple downloads.
- In situations when a secure key is within four weeks of expiration, a user can have two secure key pairs.
Notification of pending security credential expiration will be sent by email to registered administrators.
- If a customer generates a third secure key pair:
- The user must delete a secure key pairs immediately.
- The oldest secure key pair will expire in four weeks (at market close).

Users can set up a secure key pairs (Access Key ID + Secret Key), using Hashed message authentication codes (HMAC) to secure login to API Market Data sessions.
Secure key pairs are valid for 12 months and are notified prior to expiration. Notification regarding pending security credential expiration will be sent to registered administrators by email and will appear via a system notification on the Drop Copy, Order Entry or Market Data Session modules.
Prior to expiration a second key pair can be created and the initial key pair remains active for up to four weeks, after which the older key pair is automatically expired (after market close).
If a third secure key pair is generated, an existing customer selected secure key pair will be deleted immediately.
- To generate keys for BrokerTec Market Data sessions
- From the Request Center - BrokerTec Requests function, select Market Data Sessions.
- Select a Registered Entity, if necessary.
This is automatically selected for users with permissions for just one entity.
- Select a Session ID(s).
- Select Manage Keys for Selected Session(s).
- Select Generate Keys.
The Generate New Keys window displays existing key IDs.
If prompted, select a key to be deleted immediately.
- Existing Key ID to be expired in 4 weeks.
- Existing Key ID to be deleted immediately - this key id will be deleted immediately upon creation of a new key id.
- Click Generate Key(s).
A notification at the top of the screen and the Download Keys window are displayed. An email notification is sent to the registered email address.
- Click Download All Key(s).
- Enter the security code that was sent to your device.
If you did not receive the security code, select Resend Code, then Download they Key(s).
The file is saved to the default browser directory.

- To delete keys for BrokerTec Market Data sessions
- Select a Market Data Session ID.
- Select Manage Keys for Selected Session(s) > Delete Keys.
If there is more than one key for a session, select the key(s) to be deleted.
- Select Delete Key(s).
- In the confirmation window, select Delete Key(s) again.
A notification displays at the top of the screen. An email notification is sent to the registered email address.

- To download existing keys in text format for BrokerTec Market Data sessions
- Select a Market Data Session ID(s).
- Select Manage Keys for Selected Session(s) > Download Keys.
- Select Download Keys.
- Click Download All Keys.
- Enter the security code that was sent to your device.
If you did not receive the security code, select Resend Code.
- Select Download All Key(s).
The file is saved to the default browser directory.