Creating FX Link (Spot FX) Account

The following instructions illustrate the process to create a clearing account, entitled for Inline Credit Controls (ICC) and used for Spot FX (FX Link).

After creating a ICC enabled account, FX Link (Spot FX) require a Central FX Prime Broker to use Entity Risk Manager to associate (link) a trading firm with the CME Globex Executing firm(s).

Account Creation Overview:

  • Clearing Account Settings: Clearing Firm, unique account number, relationships to entities, additional account configuration.

  • Execution Firm(s): Entity authorized to use the account for order submission (trade).

The Execution Firm ID is three alphanumeric characters. Sometimes this is the same as the Clearing Firm ID. Executing Firm ID is also called: Execution Firm, Executing Firm, CME Globex API, CME Globex API ID, Trading Member Firm (TMF), Trading Firm and Badge Firm.

For additional FX Link (Spot FX) configuration, go to Entity Risk Management.

  • To Create an Account:
  1. From Account Management Service, perform an account search.

If the account does not exist, select Create New Account.

  1. On the page that appears, specify Clearing Account Settings.

Note: Required fields are indicated by a red asterisk (*).
The Clearing Account Settings pane includes a button to minimize its appearance.

Example: ICC (CME Globex) and Spot FX enabled accounts do not require Market / Product / Broker permissions.

Clearing Account Settings

Spot FX

  1. From the Services pane (also known as Platform), select ICC (CME Globex).

  1. Specify Execution Firm(s)* details.

As you type, matching execution firms appear in a list; select to add.

  1. Select Create, then specify whether to create as Active or InactiveClosedExample: To configure or modify settings at a later time.

  1. To complete account creation and activation, view Entity Risk Management - Spot FX instructions to view details on linking Trading Firms and setting Spot FX Credit Controls (via ICC).

Managing Spot FX (FX Link) Account-Level Credit Controls

Clearing Member firm administrators can use the Credit Controls function to manage Spot FX (FX Link) account level credit controls, for FX Basis spread transactions.

Limits are enforced as top day net contract equivalent position for each product, with ability to set long and short net limits.

To enforce CME Globex limits, the notional limit values are converted to the futures contract quantity equivalent, which is the platform trading increment for both legs.

  • To manage account credit controls:

Users can specify the Currency, Credit Limit, Maximum Quantity Long / Short Limits (product quantity limits are not required for CME ClearPort).

  1. From the Account List page, perform a search for a Spot FX (FX Link) account, then select the authorized account.

  1. On the Account details page - Credit Controls pane, select Edit.

  1. Specify product limits (Maximum quantity long / short).
  • Show all products with unique limits: Filter the Product list to products that have user specified limits.
  • Show all products tradable in this account: View all authorized products, via Market Types - Available Products.

Note: For Globex ICC only: Default value is Not Set, which uses the Globex Admin Policy settings to determine order entry and trading permission.
Admin Settings - Unset Limit Rule: When limits are not set (by either Clearing Member or Execution Firm) for the specified account, the account is limited to trading products within the overall firm limit.

  1. To finalize, select Save.

Additional Services: