Using Trading Cards

Use Trading Cards to submit and execute orders, as well as view market depth, best price, inventory and other order entry parameters. See Using Cards for information on adding cards to the Workspace.

Selecting a Trading card makes it the "active" card. The active price card displays with a yellow background and is the trading card currently selected for trading.

The following rules apply to active Trading cards:

  • The Keypad trading keys (BUY/SELL/BID/OFFER) work on the active card regardless of where a user focuses within the application
  • A Trading card can remain active even when the focus is moved to an Info Card
  • When focus is moved to another Trading Card it shifts the Active state to that Trading Card

Use the <bid>, <offer>, <sell>, <buy>, and <L1> / <R1> keypad keys to trigger order forms and requests for the trading card in focus.


Refer to the instrument section for details on each type card and their configurations:

  • EBS Market CLOB Cards
  • Mixed Liquidity Cards