There are two narratives on the current rising inflation: it will be transitory as expected by the Fed or it might stick. In this video, Economist Erik Norland discusses the divergent narratives.
The newly launched Mexican F-TIIE Interest Rate futures from CME Group provide a risk management tool for overnight Mexican peso interest rates. This paper examines cross-currency interest rate trading strategies using the F-TIIE futures contract and the opportunities for hedging the FX exposure created using CME’s MXN/USD Foreign Exchange futures contract.
This article explores why there is a growing appreciation of how the efficiencies of central clearing can be equally applicable to parts of the FX market, as they have been in other financial products, and why more participants are voluntarily choosing to trade listed FX as a complement to OTC trading as the most efficient mechanism to access the benefits of clearing, while retaining the flexibility they expect and require.
This article explores Australia's role in the global wheat trade, and how market participants are managing their FX exposure to take a fully-hedged position.
Each quarter, we publish The FX Report, which assembles all of the key news, views, and stats the broking community needs to know.