Get expanded access to deep E-mini Equity options liquidity with options blocks trading, allowing market participants to privately negotiate and execute large trades. Block trading enable participants to replicate certain trades traditionally executed in OTC markets or via other venues, but with greater flexibility, cost-efficiency and the benefits of centralized clearing at CME Group. Block trading is available for options on E-mini S&P 500 (ES), E-mini Russell 2000 (RTY), E-mini Nasdaq-100 futures (NQ).
Get to know the fundamentals of block trading Equity Index options and review a trade example with E-mini S&P 500 options blocks.
Webinar: Navigating Equity Index blocks and EFRPs
Learn more about the growth, role, and rules for using Equity Index blocks and EFRPs, included recent enhancements, block trading highlights, and more.
Five reasons to trade E-mini S&P 500 options
Find out why market participants continue to turn to the deep, around-the-clock liquidity of E-mini S&P 500 (ES) options
Equity Index block alerts
Stay informed of all E-mini equity options block trade activity by signing up for block alerts.
A new way to access S&P 500 liquidity
Understand the main features of ES options blocks, including confidentiality while trading, reduced slippage, and flexibility in hedging large S&P 500 exposure.
E-mini Equity Index options block quick reference guide
Learn the fundamentals of E-mini Equity options blocks and view a list of resources to get started.