User Help System




Search for Orders

Use the Orders card to search for current market orders (Working) or the past days' orders (Canceled, Filled, Expired, Rejected).

The Orders card includes a variety of search parameters and customizable columns.


Note: To save your query for future use--see Save Query.

  1. Search for orders and modify qualifying parameters
  2. Select +Add Card and select Orders.
  1. Enter data in the desired fields.
    • Firm: Select from the drop-down menu (choices based on user permission).
    • Session ID: Select from the drop-down menu (first three characters of the tag 49-SenderCompID.
    • Executor: Enter the short code for the person or algo identified in iLink 3 FIX tag 5290 (i.e. SenderSubID).
    • Account: Enter the account number.
    • Liquidity Provider: Select from the drop-down menu (if an order was submitted for market making obligation or not).
    • Operator ID: Select the Globex Operator ID for the order.
    • Order Status: Select from the drop-down menu (All, Canceled, Filled, Expired, Rejected, or Working) .
    • Contract: Enter the product code. Use the Product Code Lookup link as needed.
    • Long Name: Enter the long name of the instrument.
    • CUSIP: Enter the CUSIP identifer.
    • ISIN: Enter the International Security Identifier Number.
    • Market Segment Gateway ID: Select from the drop-down menu for BrokerTec, EBS, and F&O gateways.

    • Short Sale Type: Select from the drop-down menu (All, Long Sell, Short Sale with No Exemption, Short Sale with Exemption, Undisclosed Sell).

  2. Select Search to display the results on the screen or select Report to File to immediately download to a CSV file.
  3. Maximize the card to view more columns.
  1. Use the various features to view the list:
  • Refresh: As orders are filled during the market period, the list may change quickly. Refresh to get an updated list.
  • Column Heading: Select any column heading to sort in ascending or descending order.
  • Number of Rows: Select from the drop down menu to display a number of rows.
  • Page: Select the specific page or use Next or Previous if the search result is comprised of multiple pages.
  • Search Box: to further filter the list, enter filtering text in the box. This can be text/data from any column.

Note: Use Wild Card Matching for text fields.

Note: Use Maximize to use full width of the window. Scroll to the right or left to view more columns. See definitions of the columns and fields: Search Criteria, Order Status, Order Type, Time In Force.

Note: After applying search filters, select Show my filters > Edit Query > Reset Search Criteria to reset all search field entries to the default settings.

Note: Use Report to File to save resulting list to a CSV file. For large files, this may take a few minutes. The CSV file contains more columns than appear from a search result.

  1. Use Advance Search
  2. Select Advanced Search to display/hide additional search fields.
  3. Enter data in the desired fields.
    • TIF (Time in Force): Use the drop-down arrow to select multiple choices. Select the x to delete previously selected choices.

    • Client Order ID: Enter desired Client Order Identifier. This will return matching orders for Client Order ID, Correlation Client Order ID and Original Client Order ID.
    • During: When the chosen Order Status is other than "Working" or "All", the During field is selectable (shows the current date and other options; Custom allows you to select a range of dates and times):
    • Side: Select from the drop-down menu--All, Buy, Sell.
    • Price Format: Select from the drop-down menu--Decimal, Fractional.
    • Price: Enter desired price. If chosen Price Format is Fractional, enter a Fill Price, not the Order Price.
    • Cancelation Reason: Select from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select Search.
  5. View and Edit the Query
  6. Select Show my filters. The current query filters appears.
  7. Select Edit query and modify content of any of field.
  8. Select Search.

Customize Order Columns

  1. Customize columns of order data resulting from a search query
  2. Select the Settings icon; then select/de-select the columns (scroll as needed to display all column names):
  3. Select the Settings icon again to return to the previous view.
  4. Select Search. Only the checkmarked columns appear.

View Order Detail

  1. Select any row's Client Order ID from the resulting Order Search to view its order detail.
  2. An Order Detail card appears; maximize card to see all columns.
  3. Close the Order Detail card.

NoteScroll to the right or left to view more columns if necessary. See definitions of the columns and fields: Search Criteria, Order Status, Order Type, Time In Force.


CME Group is the world's leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace. The company is comprised of four Designated Contract Markets (DCMs). Further information on each exchange's rules and product listings can be found by clicking on the links to CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX

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