User Help System
Futures & Options Requests
Using Futures & Options Requests functionality, authorized users can create and manage entity information that affects CME Globex order handling.
After requests are submitted, they will have a status of In-Progress until they are processed daily beginning at 4pm CT. Then they are processed and assigned a status of Completed or Failed. If a request fails, the reason for the failure will be included in the request details on the My Requests page.
Users may submit requests for the following:
- Order Entry sessions to manage bidirectional order entry messages and secure key pairs for the sessions
Note: Using self-service functions, users can create a SenderComp, a concatenation of the Globex Firm ID (GFID), Order Entry Session (Session ID) and a Fault Tolerance Indicator (FTI), to submit orders on the New Release (NR) and Certification (CERT) environment.
If you have more than one application to certify, obtain an additional ID. A separate SenderCompID is required for NR environment and CERT environment.
See also:
- Trading on Behalf of a Client
- Drop Copy sessions to monitor trading activity messages
- Secure key pairs for Drop Copy and iLink Order Entry sessions
- Cancel on Behalf: Enable Cancel on Behalf for a Globex Firm ID - Session ID in the New Release / CERT environment
Secure Key Pairs
Users can generate and manage the secure key pairs (Access Key ID + Secret Key) that must be used for authentication during the secure logon process for Drop Copy and Order Entry sessions.
- Once created, credentials are accessible and available for multiple downloads in CME Request Center NR/Cert.
- A customer can have up to two secure key pairs for a Session ID for up to four weeks, after which the older secure key pair is automatically expired.
- A newly created secure key pair will have a status of active, i.e. valid for logon.
- The first secure key pair will expire in four weeks after the market close.
- If a customer generates a third secure key pair:
- One of the existing secure key pairs will be deleted, effective immediately, based on the customer selection.
- The remaining secure key pair will expire in four weeks after the market close.
For security reasons, CME Group requires customers to change their security credentials every 12 months. Notification regarding pending security credential expiration will be sent to registered administrators.