On the basis of CME Group is the history of futures and options. They offer protection against price fluctuations and the possibility to profit from these changes through financial instruments and physical commodities.
This is how the CME Group helps the world to move forward with confidence.
At the core of CME Group are four futures exchanges:
Together, they add up to more than 325 years of experience. Each made unique contributions to the development of the futures market as a means of pricing and financial risk management. Today, they are assembled to meet the changing needs of a complex global market.
2011 ---- Launches European clearing services through CME Clearing Europe
2008 ---- Expands opportunities for negotiations for investors effecting the acquisition of the New York Mercantile Exchange
2001 ----- It is the largest futures market in the United States
1999 ---- Starts the first futures contracts climate
1997 ---- develops and launches the first fully electronic mini futures contracts - futures contracts E-mini S & P 500
1992 ---- Executes the first electronic trading futures with the launch of electronic trading platform CME Globex
1987 ---- paves the way for the era of electronic trading initiating the development of CME Globex platform
1982 ---- develops the first successful stock index futures contract - the CME index futures contract S & P 500 - and the first contract of futures options of US Treasury Bonds
1975 ---- offers the first futures contract interest rate for future the Government National Mortgage Association
1969 --- Realiza a primeira negociação de produto além de grãos, o contrato de futuros de prata
1964 ---- Lança o primeiro contrato de futuros agrícolas com base em commodities não armazenáveis, o contrato de futuros de gado vivo
1961 --- Lança o primeiro contrato de futuros no mercado financeiro de carnes congeladas e armazenadas, o contrato de panceta congelada
1870 ---- Cria o primeiro pit octogonal para negociação de futuros
1865 ---- Estabelece a primeira operação de compensação de futuros do mundo, quando começou a exigir garantias de execução (performance bonds) chamadas margens (margins) dos compradores e vendedores
1851 ---- Oferece o primeiro contrato "a termo" jamais registrado de 3.000 bushels de milho
1848 ---- Cria a primeira bolsa de futuros do mundo, com sede em Chicago