Individual memberships at NYMEX enable the member to trade all NYMEX products at discounted rates. There is one division of NYMEX individual membership.
To be an individual member of NYMEX, you must be an adult with adequate financial resources to assume the responsibilities and privileges of membership and possess good moral character, a good reputation, and business integrity.
CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX memberships are entirely separate from one another and offer access to different products at different rates. To trade specific products at discounted rates, you must be a member of the Exchange on which they trade.
To find out which products trade on NYMEX:
To be an individual member of NYMEX, you must be at an adult possessing good moral character, a good reputation, business integrity, and adequate financial resources to assume the responsibilities and privileges of membership.
Before you begin trading as a member of NYMEX, you must be qualified to trade by a clearing member.
All applicants must satisfy Exchange educational requirements.