Why Trade Futures and Options

Serving the needs of a global investment community

CME Group is where the world comes to manage risk ‒ using our global benchmark futures, options on futures, and cleared OTC solutions to mitigate risk, seize opportunities, and grow profitability.

Built on more than 165 years of market experience and expertise across our exchanges – CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and COMEX – CME Group has transformed from a floor-based agricultural business into the leading diversified electronic derivatives marketplace.

Our markets are traded by a diverse set of customers: individual investors, banks, commercials, hedge funds, asset managers, and proprietary trading firms.

CME Group leverages operational capabilities, premier clearing services, regional reporting solutions, technology, and infrastructure to better serve the unique needs of organizations and individuals accessing our products.

Benefits of trading futures

Around-the-clock access

Our markets are open nearly 23 hours a day, six days a week.

Deep liquidity

Tighter pricing and lower costs, which means more efficiency.

Ease of going short

Take short positions as easily as long positions.

Multi-asset class offering

Discover opportunities using our global benchmark offerings.

Transparent markets

See the same prices, quotes, and trades as everyone else – a fair and open market you can trust.

Maximize capital efficiency

Control a large contract value with a relatively small amount of margin.

How futures compare with other financial products

Futures offer many advantages over other popular ways of trading. Compare them side-by-side to see if futures are right for you.

Compare Futures vs. ETFs

Key Characteristic



Annual Management Fees



Potential Cost Efficiencies*

Yes - Can have significantly lower fees

Depends - Time horizon, direction & holding costs will impact

Nearly 24-Hour Access,
6 days a Week



Deep Liquidity


Yes - But core futures can trade many times more notionally per day

Pure Price Exposure
to Underlying

Yes - Designed to tightly track underlying

No - Funding levels, fees, other factors can affect price

 Can Go to Delivery

Yes - But only a small percentage take delivery


Offers Portfolio Diversification



Tax Efficiencies**

Yes - Blended 60% long term, 40% short-term U.S. capital gains treatment

No - Could trigger relatively expensive short-term capital gains tax

* Depends on your time horizon, direction and holding costs

**Depends on holding period and time horizon. The information provided should not be considered tax advice. Consult your tax advisor before making any investment

Interest rates

Futures, options on futures, and cleared OTC. The world’s leading interest rate derivatives on US Treasuries, Eurodollars, alternative reference rates including SOFR & SONIA, plus cleared OTC.

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Equity indices

Futures and options on futures. Key equity index benchmarks including Micro and E-mini S&P 500, Micro and E-mini Russell 2000, Micro and E-mini NASDAQ-100, Nikkei 225, TOPIX, cryptocurrencies (i.e. Bitcoin), and more.

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Futures and options on futures. Home of WTI ‒ the world’s most liquid crude oil benchmark ‒ as well as Brent, North American Crude Blends, DME Oman, RBOB Gasoline, Henry Hub Natural Gas, European Gas, and more.

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Futures and options on futures. The world’s leading grain, oilseed, and livestock benchmarks, including Chicago SRW & HRW Wheat, Black Sea Wheat and Corn, Soybeans, Corn, Live Cattle, Lean Hogs, and more.

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Futures, options on futures, and cleared OTC. All the major currencies you want to trade, including EUR, JPY, GBP, CAD, AUD, CHF, and more ‒ in listed contracts plus cleared OTC.

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Futures and options on futures. Home of the global metals marketplace, including Gold, Silver, Platinum, Copper, Aluminum, Steel, Micro Gold, Micro Silver and more.

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Options on futures

The suite of options on futures available at CME Group exchanges offer the liquidity, flexibility, and market depth that you need to achieve your trading objectives.

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How We Ensure Safety & Security

Every trade in our markets is CFTC-regulated, scrutinized, and backed by CME Clearing to ensure market integrity. Every trade also must pass multiple safeguards before, during, and after the trade takes place ‒ further reducing risk. Market Regulation works to protect market integrity, to enforce rules that protect all market participants, and to act proactively to mitigate risks to prevent damage to the marketplace.

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