• CME Globex Notices: January 8, 2018

      • To
      • CME Globex and Market Data Customers
      • From
      • Global Market Solutions & Services (GMSS)
      • #
      • 20180108
      • Notice Date
      • 08 January 2018
      • Effective Date
      • 11 January 2018
    • Critical System Updates

      UpdateUpdate - Information Security Update - February 4

      † Denotes update to the article

      CME Group is committed to our customers’ information security. To deliver the best security and customer experience, effective Sunday, February 4 (trade date Monday, February 5), the listed CME Group services will support Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 only, and TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will be disabled. Customers are encouraged to upgrade to TLS 1.2 immediately; please contact your system administrator or network provider today to ensure seamless access.

      This change is currently available for customer testing in New Release and Certification.

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      Market Segment Change and New Market Data Platform Channel Launch  - January 21

      Effective Sunday, January 21, (trade date Monday, January 22), the 30 Day Federal Funds futures and future spreads (MDP 3.0 tag 6937-Asset=ZQ) will be moved to a different Market Segment and market data will be published on a new MDP 3.0 channel. No new Market Segments are being introduced. There will be no changes to MDP 3.0 functionality or messaging format.

      Product Current New
      MDP 3.0 Channel Tag 1300-MarketSegmentID MDP 3.0 Channel Tag 1300-MarketSegmentID
      30 Day Federal Funds futures and future spreads 344 84 348 82

      Drop Copy 4.0 sessions will support this market segment change. As a reminder, customers must manage the relationship between Drop Copy 4.0 sessions and corresponding IP addresses and market segments within their risk management systems.

      The multicast address, source IPs, TCP address, and ports for the new MDP 3.0 channel 348 (CBOT Interest Rate Futures II) will be:

      CBOT Interest Rate Futures II
      Production Channel 348 Multicast/TCP Address Port Source IPs
      Incremental A 14348
      Incremental B 15348
      Instrument Replay A 14348
      Instrument Replay B 15348
      MBP Snapshot A 14348
      MBP Snapshot B 15348
      MBO Snapshot A 23348
      MBO Snapshot B 22348


      CBOT Interest Rate Futures II
      New Release Channel 348 Multicast/TCP Address Port Source IPs
      Incremental A 14348
      Incremental B 15348
      Instrument Replay A 6348
      Instrument Replay B 7348
      MBP Snapshot A 6348
      MBP Snapshot B 7348
      MBO Snapshot A 21348
      MBO Snapshot B 22348


      CBOT Interest Rate Futures II
      Certification Channel 348 Multicast/TCP Address Port Source IPs
      Incremental A 14348
      Incremental B 15348
      Instrument Replay A 6348
      Instrument Replay B 7348
      MBP Snapshot A 6348
      MBP Snapshot B 7348
      MBO Snapshot A 21348
      MBO Snapshot B 22348

      The complete rollout schedule is as follows:

      • October 29: Production
        • New MDP 3.0 channel start publishing heartbeats
        • Updated Config.xml file available
      • November 19: Certification
        • New MDP 3.0 channel start publishing heartbeats
        • Updated Config.xml file available
      • January 21: Production and Certification
        • 30 Day Federal Funds futures and future spreads move to Market Segment 82
        • Market data published on new MDP channel
        • Config.xml files updated to include product

      The new MDP channel and Market Segment move is currently available for customer testing in New Release.

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      Streamlined MDP SBE Schema Update  - January 21

      On Sunday, January 21, CME Group will continue to update the schema for all streamlined SBE market data channels to support schema version 8 to ensure consistency between market data channels.  

      Streamlined MDP SBE Schema Update
      SBE Channel Type SBE Channel Production Schema New Release Schema
      Current Version Version 8 Version 8
      OTC Daily 200, 201 Version 6 January 21 Available
      Equity Indices 210, 211, 212 Version 4 January 21 Available
      Bitcoin 213 Version 6 January 21 Available

      Please Note: With this schema update, there are no template format changes for Streamlined Market Data OTC Daily, Equity Indices, Eris Exchange or Bitcoin channels.

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      NewNew - Triangulation Delta Range - February 4

      On Sunday, February 4 (trade date Monday, February 5), to increase the range of triangulated strikes at market open, the initial Triangulation delta range will be configured to include strikes from 10 to 70 delta. Currently, the initial range only includes strikes from 10 to 60 delta.  

      This change will be available for customer testing in New Release Monday, January 22.

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      UpdateUpdate - CME Globex API Secure Logon – iLink and Drop Copy  - Q1 2018

      † Denotes update to the article

      CME Group is committed to our customers’ information security. To ensure the highest levels of security, CME Group will continue hardening iLink and Drop Copy 4.0 session authentication at logon in Q1 2018 with the launch of CME Globex API Secure Logon.

      In production, the new logon will be supported in parallel with the current model without surcharges until Friday, April 27. Customers are strongly encouraged to make the change before the end of April to ensure no business interruption. Any iLink or Drop Copy Target sessions that connect using plain text password after April 27 will be subject to surcharges as follows:

      • Sunday April 29 – Friday June 1: $100/session/month
      • Sunday June 3 – Friday June 29: $500/session/month

      Only Secure Logons will be supported starting Sunday, July 2.

      CME Globex API Secure Logon includes:

      • Security credentials
      • New logon procedure
      • New iLink and Drop Copy message tags

      The Client Impact Assessment provides more detailed process and messaging information.

      A new iLink and Drop Copy certification suite is currently available in AutoCert+. iLink and Drop Copy 4.0 customer systems must complete this mandatory certification.

      The CME Globex API Secure Logon is now available for customer testing in New Release.

      CME Group will offer a secure logon mock prior to each production launch weekend. These mock trading sessions will offer customers the opportunity to interact with the system and experience the new logon procedure in the CME Globex production environment. You will need to reset your Message Sequence number to “1” for the mock trading session and again prior to the beginning of week logon.  If you experience any issues during the mock, please contact the Global Command Center (GCC) for assistance at 1 800 438 8616. For a general status during the mock there will be a bridge line open for regular updates 1 877 979 3898 Access code: 6485475.

      Please note that customers are required to register in advance in order to participate in the iLink mock trading session. Registration is now open.

      CME Globex API New Release Launch Schedule Mock Trading Session Production Launch Schedule Legacy Logon Decommission
      Drop Copy 4.0 Available


      Available COB Friday, April 27, 2018


      • Convenience Gateway
      • Market Segment Gateway
      Available Saturday, January 20, 2018


      9:00 - 11:00 am Central Time (CT)

      *Registration required

      Sunday, January 21, 2018 COB Friday, April 27, 2018

      Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions or concerns in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.

      MDP 3 TCP Recovery IPs and Ports for New Release and Certification Environments - February 2

      On Monday, December 4, CME Group migrated to new IPs and ports for MDP 3.0 TCP Recovery in the New Release and Certification environments.

      The legacy IP and ports will be available in parallel until close of business on Friday, February 2.

      MDP 3 TCP Recovery IPs and Ports for New Release and Certification Environments
      New Release Certification
      Legacy IP and Port New IP and Port Legacy IP and Port New IP and Port

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      iLink Convenience Gateways Fault Tolerance Changes  - February 4

      To simplify the iLink Fault Tolerance, effective Sunday, February 4 (trade date Monday, February 5), all Convenience Gateway (CGW) iLink sessions will move to MSGW-style Application Level Fault Tolerance with an enforced primary gateway. CGW session connectivity and login behavior will exactly match the MSGW current state.

      Upon launch, all CGW iLink sessions will have a designated host that is primary and another that is designated backup. CGW customers must successfully logon to their designated primary IPs and ports before attempting to logon to the backup.

      If the primary CGW fails, customers who logon without the fault tolerance must reestablish the connection to the newly promoted primary.  For customers who logon with the fault tolerance, the newly promoted primary will send a Heartbeat message with a Fault Tolerance Indicator (FTI) of ‘P’ in the tag 49-SenderCompID to notify the primary status of CGW connectivity.

      These changes are currently available in New Release for customer testing.

      A new CGW Fault Tolerance certification test suite is currently available in Autocert+. Certification via AutoCert+ is optional.

      Drop Copy is not impacted by this change.

      If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Global Account Manager in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.

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      Price Precision Extension - 2018

      In the second half of 2018, the supported decimal price precision for CME Globex and streamlined blocks SBE market data will be increased from 7 to 9 decimals to provide greater price granularity for future launches.

      In Q4 2018, in conjunction with the price precision update, pending regulatory approval, the minimum price increment (MPI) for the 2 Year Treasury Note futures, future spreads and inter-commodity spreads will be reduced from 1/4th of 1/32nd (0.0078125) to 1/8th of 1/32nd (0.00390625). As a result, the maximum price precision will increase from 7 to 8 decimals.

      The Client Impact Assessment includes additional information on the following:

      • CME Globex iLink
      • CME Globex MDP3
      • Streamlined MDP
      • ITC
      • CME Globex Drop Copy
      • Referential Data

      These changes will be available in New Release for customer testing first half of 2018.

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      New Functionality

      CME FX Link  - February 25

      On Sunday, February 25 (for trade date Monday, February 26), CME Group is launching CME FX Link, which is a new spot FX basis spread on CME Globex. CME FX Link will provide unique new capital, margin and operational benefits for the FX marketplace by efficiently linking trading activity in FX futures and OTC Spot FX via CME Globex.

      Spot FX basis spreads will be offered between OTC Spot FX and CME FX futures for the following six currency pairs:

      • EUR/USD
      • JPY/USD
      • GBP/USD
      • CAD/USD
      • AUD/USD
      • MXN/USD

      Additional information CME Globex processing and messaging impacts for CME FX Link is available in the Client Impact Assessment.

      CME STP and CME STP FIX will support trade confirmations.

      The CME FX Link is currently available for customer testing in New Release.

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      NewNew - Inter-Exchange Ratio Spread: Fed Fund vs Eurodollar - March 11

      Effective Sunday, March 11 (trade date Monday, March 12), a new exchange-defined Inter-Exchange Ratio Spread will be made available for trading on CME Globex. The EF inter-exchange ratio spread is the simultaneous purchase (sale) of two 30-Day Federal Funds futures (tag 6937-Asset=ZQ) and sale (purchase) of a Eurodollar future (tag 6937=GE). The new spread will allow customers to trade 90-day short term interest rates in a single package across exchanges.

      Additional information on the technical details are available in the Client Impact Assessment.

      Inter-Exchange Ratio Spread: Fed Fund vs Eurodollar
      Product Name MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Tag 762-SecuritySubType
      30-Day Fed Funds futures vs Eurodollar futures ZQ ZQ EF

      The EF Inter-exchange ratio spread will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, January 22.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CBOT and CME.

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      Product Launches

      UpdateUpdate - Energy Futures Inter-commodity Calendar Spread - January 21

      † Denotes update to the article

      Effective Sunday, January 21 (trade date Monday, January 22), CME Globex will launch new an Inter-commodity Calendar Spread for Henry Hub Natural Gas futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Last-Day Financial futures for the nearest 36 monthly expiries. This calendar spread will utilize a new strategy type (tag 762-SecuritySubType=IP). Henry Hub Natural Gas futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Last-Day Financial futures will not support implied functionality in production.  Implied functionality will be turned off in the New Release environment on Monday, January 15, for customer testing.

      Energy Futures Inter-commodity Calendar Spread
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6947-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Tag 762-SecuritySubType
      Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Look-Alike Last-Day Financial Futures (NG:HH) NG NG IP

      Construction:  Buy1com1exp1 Sell1com2exp1 Sell1com1exp2 Buy1com2exp2

      Security Definition Example: NGZ7-HHF8

      Example: Buy the Spread

      Buy 1 December 2017 Henry Hub Natural Gas (NG)
      Sell 1 December 2017 Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Future (HH)
      Sell 1 January 2018 Henry Hub Natural Gas (NG)
      Buy 1 January 2018 Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Future (HH)

      Example: Sell the Spread

      Sell 1 December 2017 Henry Hub Natural Gas (NG)
      Buy 1 December 2017 Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Future (HH)
      Buy 1 January 2018 Henry Hub Natural Gas (NG)
      Sell 1 January 2018 Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Future (HH)

      These spreads are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      Back to Top


      Reduced Tick Inter-Commodity Spread (RI) - January 21

      Effective Sunday, January 21 (trade date Monday, January 22), CME Globex will launch a new Reduced Tick Inter-commodity Spread (RI) spread tag (762-SecuritySubType= RI). This new spread will allow a difference in tick size between the underlying instrument and the spread, where the underlying instrument trades at a larger tick size than the spread market. With this launch, the following energy Reduced Tick spreads (RT) will be converted to the new Reduced Tick Inter-commodity Spread (RI) type.

      Reduced Tick Inter-Commodity Spread (RI)
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6947-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Tag 762-SecuritySubType Future Tag 762-SecuritySubType
      Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Penultimate Financial Futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures (HP:NG) HP HX RT RI
      Henry Hub Natural Gas Penultimate Financial Futures vs Per Month Henry Hub Futures (NP:NNE) NPG HX RT RI
      Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Penultimate Financial Futures vs Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures (HP:HH) HP HX RT RI
      Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures vs Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures (NG:HH) HP HX RT RI

      Please note: No additional changes will be made to these spreads, and all GT orders will remain in the order book during the conversion.

      In addition, 2 new Reduced Tick Inter-commodity Spread (RI) spreads for Henry Hub Natural Gas futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial futures and Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex.

      Reduced Tick Inter-Commodity Spread (RI)
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6947-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Future Tag 762-SecuritySubType
      Henry Hub Natural Gas Futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Futures (NG:NN) NG NG RI
      Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures vs Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Futures (HH:NN) HH NG RI

      Construction:  Buy1com1exp1 Sell1com2exp1

      Security Definition Example: HPH8-NGH8

      Example: Buy the Spread

      Buy 1 March 2018 Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Penultimate Financial Futures
      Sell 1 March 2018 Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures

      Example: Sell the Spread

      Sell 1 December 2018 Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Penultimate Financial Futures
      Buy 1 December 2018 Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial Futures

      These spreads are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      Back to Top


      Argus WTI vs. NYMEX Futures - January 21

      Effective Sunday, January 21 (trade date Monday, January 22), Argus WTI vs. NYMEX futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Argus WTI vs. NYMEX Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Argus WTI Diff vs. CMA NYMEX Trade Month Futures ANT CC
      Argus WTI Diff vs. CMA NYMEX Calendar Month Futures ANC CC

      These Argus WTI vs. NYMEX futures are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.

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      Coal (ICI 4) Indonesian Coal Index (Argus/Coalindo) Futures - January 21

      Effective Sunday, January 21 (trade date Monday, January 22), the Coal (ICI 4) Indonesian Coal Index (Argus/Coalindo) futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Coal (ICI 4) Indonesian Coal Index (Argus/Coalindo) Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Coal (ICI 4) Indonesian Coal Index(Argus/Coalindo) Futures ICI CO

      The Coal (ICI 4) Indonesian Coal Index (Argus/Coalindo) futures are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.

      Back to Top


      NewNew - Yen Denominated TOPIX Futures - February 4

      Effective Sunday, February 4 (trade date Monday, February 5), Yen Denominated TOPIX futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Yen Denominated TOPIX Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Yen Denominated TOPIX Futures TPY TJ
      BTIC on Yen Denominated TOPIX Futures TPB BJ

      These Yen Denominated TOPIX futures will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, January 22.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

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      Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) FX Futures

      Pending regulatory approval, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (BMD) will list the following FX futures contracts for trading on CME Globex. A new launch date will be announced in future CME Globex notices.

      Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) FX Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      BMD Mini CNH/MYR Futures MFCM BR
      BMD Mini USD/MYR Futures MFUM BM

      These contracts are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      Back to Top


      Product Changes

      Listing Cycle Expansion for Crude and Refined Futures and Options - January 21

      Effective Sunday, January 21 (trade date Monday, January 22), the listing cycle for the following Crude and Refined futures and options will be expanded on CME Globex.

      Listing Cycle Expansion for Crude and Refined Futures and Options
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Listing Schedule New Listing Schedule
      Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures CL CL Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 5 calendar years and June and December contract months for 3 additional years. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year and additional June and December contract months following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 8 calendar years and 2 additional consecutive contract months. List monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 2 additional consecutive contract months following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      Light Sweet Crude Oil Option LO LO Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 5 calendar years and June and December contracts for 3 additional years. Monthly contracts for the balance of a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 8 calendar years and 2 additional consecutive contract months. List monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 2 additional consecutive contract months following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      Light Sweet Crude Oil European Financial Option LCE LO Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 5 calendar years and June and December contracts for 3 additional years. Monthly contracts for the balance of a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 8 calendar years and 2 additional consecutive contract months. List monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 2 additional consecutive contract months following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Futures BZ OP Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 7 calendar years. Monthly contracts for a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 7 calendar years and 3 additional consecutive contract months. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 3 additional consecutive contract months following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      Brent Crude Oil Futures-Style Margin Option BZO PR Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 7 calendar years. Monthly contracts for a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 7 calendar years and 3 additional consecutive contract months. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 3 additional consecutive contract months following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      RBOB Gasoline Option OB OB Monthly contracts listed for 36 consecutive months. Add a new contract month after the nearby expiry. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 3 calendar years and 1 additional contract month. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 1 additional contract month following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      RBOB Gasoline European Financial Option ARF EF Monthly contracts listed for 36 consecutive months. Add a new contract month after the nearby expiry. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 3 calendar years and 1 additional contract month. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year and 1 additional contract month following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      European Low Sulphur Gasoil (1000mt) Bullet Futures BG RF Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 6 calendar years. Monthly contracts for a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 7 calendar years. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year.
      European-Style Low Sulphur Gasoil Option F8 PC Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 2 calendar years. Monthly contracts for a new calendar year will be added following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. Monthly contracts listed for the current year and the next 4 calendar years. List consecutive monthly contracts for a new calendar year following the termination of trading in the December contract of the current year. 

      These futures and options are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.

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      Reduction in Extended Trading Hours for Rough Rice Futures and Options  - January 21

      Effective Sunday, January 21 (trade date Monday, January 22), the extended trading hours for the following Rough Rice futures and options will be reduced on CME Globex.

      Rough Rice Futures and Options
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Extended Trading Hours New Extended Trading Hours
      Rough Rice Futures ZR ZR Sunday – Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 a.m. Central Time (CT) Sunday – Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. CT
      Rough Rice Options OZR RR Sunday – Friday, 7:00 p.m. – 7:45 a.m. CT Sunday – Thursday, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. CT

      These futures and options are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CBOT.

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      Changes to Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) Crude Palm Oil Products  - February 25

      Effective Sunday, February 25 (trade date Monday, February 26), pending regulatory approvals, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (BMD) is scheduled to make changes to the following crude palm oil products:

      Changes to Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) Crude Palm Oil Products
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Listing Schedule New Listing Schedule Current Second Trading Session (Malaysia Time) New Second Trading Session (Malaysia Time)
      Crude Palm Oil Futures
      FCPO BC Spot month and next 5 succeeding months. Thereafter alternate (odd) months up to 24 months ahead Spot month and next 11 succeeding months. Thereafter alternate (odd) months up to 36 months ahead. 1500 to 1800 1430 to 1800
      Crude Palm Oil Futures USD FUPO BA Spot month and next 5 succeeding months. Thereafter alternate (odd) months up to 24 months ahead No Change
      Crude Palm Oil Options OCPO BP Monthly (3rd to 6th) then alternate (odd) months going out 24 months of the FCPO contract. The first spot option contract month will be trading the 3rd month FCPO contract. Monthly (3rd to 12th) then alternate (odd) months going out 36 months of the FCPO contract. The first spot option contract month will be trading the 3rd month FCPO contract.

      Please Note: The first trading session will remain unchanged at 1030 to 1230 Malaysia Time.

      These contracts will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, January 22.

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      Events and Announcements

      CME Globex Port Closure Policy - February 11

      Effective Sunday February 11 (trade date Monday, February 12), CME Group will implement changes to the CME Globex Port Closure Policy. With these changes, Drop Copy sessions and their respective ports will be added to the existing Policy.

      Any questions regarding this change in procedure may be directed to the Global Command Center. The GCC can be reached at +1 800 438 8616 in the USA, +44 20 7623 4747 in Europe, and +65 6532 5010 in Asia.

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      NewNew - iLink FIX Tag Library

      In response to customer requests, a new iLink FIX Tag Library resource is currently available in the Client Systems Wiki. This page centralizes the iLink Message Specification and includes filters for querying iLink tags by:

      • Tag Number
      • FIX Name
      • Tag Requiredness
      • Tag Format

      Please contact your Global Account Manager in the U.S. at 312 634 8700, in Europe at 44 203 379 3754, or in Asia at 65 6593 5505 with any questions.

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