Topics in this issue include:
As a result of the Market Segment Changes for CME and CBOT Products, effective Friday, July 21, the following Market Segment Gateways will be decommissioned in Production environment as follows.
Market Segment Decommission for CME and CBOT Products | |||
Tag 1300-Market SegmentID | Market Segment Gateway | Production | |
62 | CME FX Futures | July 21 | |
66 | CBOT Equity Futures |
Attempts to connect to these gateways following decommission will be ignored. The new MSGW and Drop Copy 4.0 config.xml files will be updated prior to the open for each environment change.
CME Group is committed to our customers’ information security. To deliver the best security and customer experience, effective Sunday, December 18 (trade date Monday, December 19), the listed CME Group services will support Transport Layer Security (TLS) version 1.2 only, and TLS 1.0 and 1.1 will be disabled. Customers are encouraged to upgrade to TLS 1.2 immediately; please contact your system administrator or network provider today to ensure seamless access.
This change will be effective in New Release on Tuesday, August 29.
Starting Sunday, July 23, in addition to existing risk management controls, CME Group will offer optional, more granular pre-trade risk management capability through the In-Line Credit Control (ICC) tool.
The ICC tool allows Clearing Member Firms and Executing Firms to set daily position limits for CME Globex, per product, at the account level through Account Manager.
Risk Administrators are encouraged to register and set limits in all products starting Sunday, July 23. Please review the complete ICC enforcement schedule.
The new functionality will feature:
Please note: With the introduction of ICC, clients may see minor changes in order entry round trip times (RTT) during large market events.
Initially, ICC processing for accounts approaching their pre-set threshold level, In-Flight Mitigation(IFM) enabled orders may temporarily violate account limits resulting in a reject. See scenario here. Future phases of ICC will accommodate In-Flight Mitigation and eliminate the temporary account limit violation scenario.
See more on Viewing and Managing Inline Credit Control Limits and Configuring Alerts and Policies for Inline Credit Controls.
For registered client systems, a new or cancel/replace order that violates specified position limits will be rejected. CME Globex will send a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message including tag 58=<Reject Reason>.
Reject Reason | Tag 58-Text |
Position Limit Violation | Position Limit Violation for Account: <Account>, Position Increase: <position> makes position above the BUY Position Limit: <Limit> by amount: <Amount>. Limit set by CMF for Product Code: <Product Code> |
Position Limit Violation for Account: <Account>, Position Increase: <position> makes position above the BUY Position Limit: <Limit> by amount: <Amount>. Limit set by EF for Product Code: <Product Code> | |
Account Policy Violation | Pre-Trade Registration Violation: Account: <Account> is not Registered for this Executing Firm |
Product Policy Violation | Pre-Trade Registration Violation: Account: <Account> is not Registered to Trade Product Code: <Product Code> |
UDS Covereds Policy Violation | Pre-Trade Registration Violation: Account: <Account> is not Registered to Trade UDS Covereds |
Account Deactivation Violation | Pre-Trade Registration Violation: Account: <Account> has been Suspended from Trading by the CMF for this Executing Firm |
This new functionality is currently available for customer testing in New Release.
Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions on onboarding and testing In-line Credit Controls functionality in New Release in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.
Please contact Certification Support for Electronic Trading (CSET) in the U.S. at +1 312 930 2322, in Europe at +44 20 3379 3803 or in Asia at +65 6593 5593 with questions while testing in New Release.
† Denotes update to the article
Effective Sunday, August 6 (trade date Monday, August 7), pending all relevant regulatory review periods, CME Globex will allow the Request for Cross (RFC) for the following CME FX Volatility-Quoted Options(VQO) products:
Request for Cross for Volatility-Quoted Options | |||
Product | Maturity | Tag 1151-SecurityGroup | Tag 6937-Asset |
Australian Dollar | Monthly | 3A | VXA |
Weekly | VAA-VAE | ||
Japanese Yen | Monthly | 3Y | VXJ |
Weekly | VJA-VJE | ||
British Pound | Monthly | B3 | VXB |
Weekly | VBA-VBE | ||
Swiss Franc | Monthly | 3S | VXS |
Weekly | VSA-VSE | ||
Canadian Dollar | Monthly | 3C | VXC |
Weekly | VCA-VCE | ||
Euro FX | Monthly | 3E | VXT |
Weekly | VTA-VTE |
†With this change, Globex Cross will no longer be allowed on VQO products. VQO products will be eligible for Committed Cross with 50 % BPM.
Please note that the BPM percentage to the CME FX Premium-Quoted Options (PQO) products will remain the same at 20%.
This change will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, July 17.
Detailed information including functionality and messaging for Cross is available in the Client Systems Wiki.
Starting on Sunday, August 6 (trade date Monday, August 7), to allow customer systems to efficiently recover market data books, the Market by Order Recovery feed will now include 2nd level (1023-MDPriceLevel) Market by Price implied book depth (tag 269-MDEntryType=E, F).
Market By Order (MBO) Market Recovery Implied Dissemination Modification | |||
Group | Channel Number | Channel Name | Production Launch Date |
1 | 312 | CME Globex Interest Rate Futures | Sunday, August 6 |
382 | NYMEX Globex Crude & Crude Refined Futures | ||
2 | 360 | COMEX Globex Futures | Sunday, August 13 |
384 | NYMEX Globex Metals, Softs, & Alternative Market Futures | ||
380 | NYMEX Globex Emissions Futures | ||
386 | NYMEX Globex Nat Gas & other Non-Crude Energy Futures | ||
382 | NYMEX Globex Crude & Crude Refined Futures | ||
440 | DME Globex Futures | ||
340 | CBOT Globex Commodity Futures | ||
346 | CBOT Globex Commodity Futures II | ||
460 | MGEX Globex Futures | ||
344 | CBOT Globex Interest Rate Futures | ||
316 | CME Globex Commodity Futures | ||
430 | BMD Globex Futures |
The Market By Order (MBO) Market Recovery Implied Dissemination Update is currently available for customer testing in New Release on.
Effective Sunday, August 27 (trade dateThursday, August 31), to provide additional information on intraday settlement prices, CME Group will publish rounded intraday settlements for E-mini S&P 500 futures, in addition to the unrounded prices available today. Rounded intraday settlements are flagged with tag 731=SettlPriceType where bit 2=1 and bit 3=1.
With this change, customers will receive both a rounded and unrounded intraday settlement message. Intraday Settlement Prices are published on the last trading day of the calendar month for E-mini S&P 500 contracts. These prices are sent while the trading session is still active and represent a snapshot valuation of the settlement price at the time that they are published.
The new prices will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, July 17. To test tag 731-SettlPriceType (bits 2 and 3) in New Release, please contact Certification Support for Electronic Trading (CSET) in the U.S. at +1 312 930 2322, in Europe at +44 20 3379 3803 or in Asia at +65 6593 5593.
The MDP 3.0 Market Data Incremental Refresh message including tag 731-SettlPriceType is documented in the Client Systems Wiki.
Please Note: The rounded intraday settlement prices will also be published via ITC Channel 3.
ITC Floor Feed testing is not available in New Release. Customers consuming ITC messages can use the following examples for customer testing.
ITC Feed Market Data Dissemination of Equity Intraday Rounded Settlements Prices | |
ITC Channel Description | ITC Feed Channel |
CME Open Outcry | 3 |
Examples of the rounded and unrounded messages published on the final day of the month: |
Settlement Message Type |
<SOH>M FQ S00075081500550 <STX> SP H18EH182 |
Futures Intraday Unrounded Settlement |
<SOH>M FQ S00075241500570 <STX> ES H18EH182 |
Futures Intraday Unrounded Settlement |
<SOH>M FQAS00075251500570 <STX> ES H18EH182 |
Futures Intraday Rounded Settlement |
This change does not impact ITC Future Unrounded Settlement for the S&P 500 Futures.
The ITC Market Data Message specification for pricing is documented in the Client Systems Wiki.
To better align traded volume information across platforms, effective Sunday, September 10 (trade date Monday, September 11), when a spread-of-spreads trades MDP 3.0 will only publish traded volume updates for the top-level spread and the outright legs.
Today, MDP 3.0 publishes volume updates for the top-level spread, the spread legs and the outright legs. With this change, the spread legs will no longer have a volume update when traded as part of a spread-of-spreads. The following table outlines the new behavior. This change only affects trades for spread-of-spreads. Trades in spreads will continue to function as they do today.
Current State PS Pack Spread – Volume update |
Effective Sunday, September 10 PS Pack Spread – Volume update |
PK Pack 1 – Volume update | PK Pack 1 – No volume update |
Outright leg 1 – Volume update |
Outright leg 1 – Volume update |
Outright leg 2 – Volume update |
Outright leg 2 – Volume update |
Outright leg 3 – Volume update |
Outright leg 3 – Volume update |
Outright leg 4 – Volume update |
Outright leg 4 – Volume update |
PK Pack 2 – Volume update | PK Pack 2 – No volume update |
Outright leg 1 – Volume update |
Outright leg 1 – Volume update |
Outright leg 2 – Volume update |
Outright leg 2 – Volume update |
Outright leg 3 – Volume update |
Outright leg 3 – Volume update |
Outright leg 4 – Volume update |
Outright leg 4 – Volume update |
Detailed spread and spread-of-spread information is available in the Client Systems Wiki.
This change will be available for customer testing in New Release Monday, August 14.
† Denotes update to the article
Effective Sunday, September 24 (trade date Monday, September 25) CME Group will launch enhancements to CME Globex Self-Match Prevention (SMP). SMP is optional functionality that allows market participants to prevent the matching of orders for accounts with common ownership if both the buy and sell orders contain the same SMP ID and Globex Firm ID.
With these enhancements, iLink customers will have the ability to configure SMP functionality across multiple Globex Firm IDs within or across clearing firms. Upon this release, orders submitted with unregistered SMP IDs will be rejected. CME Globex will send a Session Level Reject (tag 35-MsgType=3) message including tag 58=<Reject Reason>. All Good 'Till Cancel (GTC) and Good 'Till Date (GTD) orders with unregistered SMP IDs must also be updated to use a registered SMP ID by the close on the Friday before launch. Any remaining GT orders with unregistered SMP IDs will be eliminated at Sunday start-up on launch weekend.
The Firm Administrator Dashboard interface will continue to be used to request new SMP IDs but will be enhanced to allow existing SMP IDs to be modified to support additional Globex Firm IDs.
Detailed information, including the launch schedule, is available in the Client Impact Assessment.
The new SMP enhancements are currently available for customer testing in New Release. Customer certification is not required, but CME Group strongly recommends all system providers test these changes thoroughly in New Release.
†Please note: Clients planning to test the SMP enhancements in New Release must contact their Global Account Manager to receive new SMP IDs.
Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions or concerns in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.
In Q3 2017, CME Group will offer customers the following CME Globex execution information enhancements:
Please review the client impact assessment for information on functionality and messaging impacts and complete rollout schedule.
These enhancements are now available in New Release for customer testing.
Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions or concerns in the U.S. at +1 312 634 8700, in Europe at +44 203 379 3754 or in Asia at +65 6593 5505 for additional information.
Effective Sunday, July 23 (trade date Monday, July 24), CME Group will add a new 2-Year T-Note Futures vs. 5-Year T-Note Futures inter-commodity ratio spread on CME Globex. The spread will have a 3:2 spread and leg pricing ratio, as reflected in Security Definition (tag 35-MsgType=d) messages tag 5570-Price Ratio. This spread will be similar to other Treasury futures yield curve inter-commodity spreads with pricing on a net change basis and implied pricing. Both legs of the initial version will use the September 2017 contracts: ZTU7 and ZFU7.
Treasury Futures Inter-commodity Ratio Spread | |||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Tag 762-SecuritySubType |
2-Year T-Note Future vs. 5-Year T-Note Futures intercommodity spread | TAF | IV | IV |
This spread is currently available for customer testing in New Release.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CBOT.
Effective Sunday, July 23 (trade date Monday, July 24), Australian Wheat FOB (Platts) Futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.
Australian Wheat FOB (Platts) Futures | ||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Australian Wheat FOB (Platts) Futures | AUW | AH
These futures are currently e available for customer testing in New Release.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CBOT.
Effective Sunday, July 23 (trade date Monday, July 24), the following Crude Oil Inter-Commodity and Energy Inter-Commodity Strips spreads will be listed for trading on CME Globex.
Crude Oil Inter-Commodity Spreads | ||||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Tag 762-SecuritySub Type | Listing Cycle |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures vs. Brent Financial Futures | AYX | CC | IS | 12 monthly spreads and the next June and December spreads |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures vs. Brent Financial Futures | AYX | CC | XS | 4 quarterly spreads |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures vs. WTI Midland (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures | HTT | CC | IS | 12 monthly spreads and the next June and December spreads |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures vs. WTI Midland (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures | HTT | CC | XS | 4 quarterly spreads |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures vs. Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures | HTT | CC | IS | 12 monthly spreads and the next June and December spreads |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures vs. Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures | HTT | CC | XS | 4 quarterly spreads |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures vs. Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures | AYV | CC | IS | 12 monthly spreads and the next June and December spreads |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures vs. Argus LLS vs. WTI (Argus) Trade Month Futures | AYV | CC | XS | 4 quarterly spreads |
LLS (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures vs. Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures | AWJ | CC | IS | 12 monthly spreads and the next June and December spreads |
LLS (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures vs. Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures | AWJ | CC | XS | 4 quarterly spreads |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures vs. WTI-Brent Financial Futures | HIL | CC | IS | 12 monthly spreads and the next June and December spreads |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures vs. WTI-Brent Financial Futures | HIL | CC | XS | 4 quarterly spreads |
These spreads will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, July 17.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
† Denotes update to the article
Effective †Sunday, August 6 (trade date Monday, August 7), North American Crude Grades Options will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.
North American Crude Grades Options | |||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group (UDS) |
LLS (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Average Price Option
E5O | EF | EX |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Average Price Option | HTO | EF | EX |
WTI Houston (Argus) vs. WTI Calendar Month Average Price Option | HIO | EF | EX |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Average Price Option | YVO | EF | EX |
Mars (Argus) vs. WTI Calendar Month Average Price Option | YXO | EF | EX |
WTI Midland (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Average Price Option | WTO | EF | EX |
WTI Midland (Argus) vs. WTI Calendar Month Average Price Option | FFO | EF | EX |
WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Average Price Option | FHO | EF | EX |
WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Calendar Month Average Price Option | WSO | EF | EX |
These options are currently available for customer testing in New Release.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
Pending regulatory approvals, Bursa Malaysia Derivatives (BMD) will list the following FX futures for trading on CME Globex in late Q3 2017.
Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) FX Futures | ||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
BMD Mini CNH/MYR Futures | MFCM | BR |
BMD Mini USD/MYR Futures | MFUM | BM |
These are currently available for customer testing in New Release.
Effective Sunday, July 23 (trade date Monday, July 24), the listing cycle for the following Crude Grade Futures will be expanded on CME Globex.
Listing Cycle Expansion for Crude Grade Futures | ||||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Current Listing Schedule | New Listing Schedule |
WTI Midland (Argus) Trade Month Futures | WTI | CC | 30 consecutive months | Current year plus the next 5 calendar years |
WTS (Argus) Financial Futures | WTS | CC | 30 consecutive months | Current year plus the next 5 calendar years |
WTI Midland (Argus) vs. WTI Trade Month Futures | WTT | CC | 30 consecutive months | Current year plus the next 5 calendar years |
WTS (Argus) vs. WTI Financial Futures | WTA | CC | 30 consecutive months | Current year plus the next 5 calendar years |
These changes are currently available for customer testing in New Release.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
Effective Sunday, July 23 (trade date Monday, July 24), the listing cycle for the following Electricity Capacity futures will be expanded on CME Globex.
Listing Cycle Expansion for Electricity Capacity Futures | ||||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Current Listing Schedule | New Listing Schedule |
NYISO NYC In-City Capacity Calendar-Month Futures | NCC | RF | Monthly contracts listed for the current season (May-Oct and Nov-Apr) plus the next 3 seasons. Monthly contracts for a new season will be added following the termination of trading in the last monthly contract of the current season. | The current year and the next three (3) consecutive calendar years. At the expiration of the December contract month, a new, full year shall be added |
NYISO Rest of the State Capacity Calendar-Month Futures | NRR | ZZ | Monthly contracts listed for the current season (May-Oct and Nov-Apr) plus the next 4 seasons. Monthly contracts for a new season will be added following the termination of trading in the last monthly contract of the current season. | The current year and the next three (3) consecutive calendar years. At the expiration of the December contract month, a new, full year shall be added |
These changes are currently available for customer testing in New Release.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
Effective Sunday, July 30 (trade date Monday, July 31), the Non-Reviewable Ranges will be modified for following natural gas and crude oil options:
Changes to Non-Reviewable Ranges for Natural Gas and Crude Oil Options | ||||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Current Non-Reviewable Range | New Non-Reviewable Range |
Daily Natural Gas Option | KDB | GZ | The greater of the delta times the underlying futures' non-reviewable range or 20% of the fair value premium up to the underlying futures' non-reviewable range with a minimum reasonability of $0.05 | The greater of the delta times the underlying futures' non-reviewable range or 20% of the fair value premium up to the underlying futures' non-reviewable range with a minimum reasonability of $0.025 |
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (12 month) Options | IZ | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (2 month) Options | IB | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (3 month) Options | AIC | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (5 month) Options | IE | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Calendar Spread (6 month) Options | IM | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (1 month) Option | G4X | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (3 month) Option | G3B | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (4 month) Option | G10 | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Financial Calendar Spread (6 month) Option | G6B | ON | ||
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial 2 Month Spread Option | AG2 | ON | ||
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial 5 Month Spread Option | AG5 | ON | ||
Natural Gas (Henry Hub) Last-day Financial 12 Month Spread Option | AG7 | ON | ||
Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Option | AE7 | GZ | ||
Natural Gas Options | ON | ON | ||
Natural Gas Weekly Options | ON# | ON | ||
Natural Gas Weekly Financial Options |
LN# | LG | ||
Natural Gas Calendar Spread Options | IAY | ON | ||
Natural Gas Option on Calendar Futures Strip | A6J | GZ | ||
Natural Gas Option on Summer Futures Strip | A4D | GZ | ||
Natural Gas Option on Winter Futures Strip | A6I | GZ | ||
Natural Gas European Options | LNE | LG | ||
Brent Calendar Spread (12 Month) Options | AZ | OT | The greater of the delta times the underlying futures' non-reviewable range or 20% of the fair value premium up to the underlying futures' non-reviewable range with a minimum reasonability of $0.50 | The greater of the delta times the underlying futures' non-reviewable range or 20% of the fair value premium up to the underlying futures' non-reviewable range with a minimum reasonability of $0.25 |
Brent Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options | AB | OT | ||
Brent Calendar Spread (3 Month) Options | AC | OT | ||
Brent Calendar Spread (6 Month) Options | AM | OT | ||
Brent Calendar Spread (1 Month) Options | AA | OT | ||
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (12 Month) Options | 9Y | OT | ||
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options | 9B | OT | ||
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (3 Month) Options | 9D | OT | ||
Brent Crude Oil Last Day Financial Calendar Spread (6 Month) Options | 9L | OT | ||
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options | 7B | LO | ||
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (3 Month) Options | 7C | LO | ||
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (6 Month) Options | 7M | LO | ||
Crude Oil Financial Calendar Spread (12 Month) Options | 7Z | LO | ||
Crude Oil Option on Calendar Futures Strip Options | A6F | LO | ||
Crude Oil Option on Quarterly Futures Strip Options | A6E | LO | ||
Daily Brent Crude Oil Option | ODB | OT | ||
Daily Crude Oil Calendar Spread (1 Month) Options | DNM | LO | ||
Daily Crude Oil Calendar Spread (2 Month) Options | DTM | LO | ||
Daily Crude Oil Options | ICD | LO | ||
WTI Average Price Options | AAO | LO | ||
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (3 Month) | WC | LO | ||
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (6 Month) | AWM | LO | ||
WTI Crude Oil Calendar Spread Option (12 Month) | AWZ | LO |
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
Effective Sunday, August 6 (trade date Monday, August 7), implied functionality will be enabled for Crude and Refined Energy Butterflies in the first 12 months plus June and December for two additional years. Butterflies are identified with “BF” in tag 762-SecuritySubType in the MDP 3.0 Security Definition (tag 35-MsgType=d) message.
Implied Functionality on Crude and Refined Energy Futures Butterflies | ||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Light Sweet Crude Oil Futures | CL | CL |
RBOB Gasoline Futures | RB | CL |
NY Harbor ULSD Futures | HO | CL |
Brent Last Day Financial Futures | BZ | OP |
DME Oman Crude Oil Physically Settled Futures | OQD | DE |
Implied functionality on these spreads is currently available for customer testing in New Release.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
Effective Sunday, August 6 (trade date Monday, August 7), the external name format in MDP 3.0 tag 55-Symbol and iLink tag 107-SecurityDesc for Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day options on futures will be changed. With this change, tag 202-StrikePrice strike price in MDP 3.0 will change to support the external name change.
Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Option | ||||||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
Current iLink: tag 107-SecurityDesc MDP 3.0: tag 55-Symbo |
New iLink: tag 107-SecurityDesc MDP 3.0: tag 55-Symbo |
Current 202-StrikePrice |
New 202-StrikePrice |
Henry Hub Natural Gas Last Day Financial Option | AE7 | GZ | Examples: |
Examples: AE7N7 C750 AE7N7 P5350 |
Examples: 75.0000000 535.0000000 |
Examples: 750.0000000 5350.0000000 |
To facilitate this change, customers are asked to cancel all Good 'Till Cancel (GTC) and Good 'Till Date (GTD) orders for the impacted options after their close on Friday, August 4. After 16:00 CT on Friday, August 4, all remaining GTC and GTD orders for these options will be cancelled by the CME Group Global Command Center (GCC).
These changes will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, July 24.
This contract is listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.
Effective end of day Friday, August 25, Globex order routing and market data for MexDer products will no longer be available via the CME Globex platform. Existing order routing customers to MexDer markets and customers wishing to pursue market access to MexDer should contact Laura Vazquez at or +(52 55) 53 42 9840. Customers wishing to pursue market access to CME Group markets should contact Global Account Management in the U.S. at 312-634-8700, in Europe at 44 203 379 3754, or in Asia at 65 6593 5505.
Effective Sunday, August 27 (trade date Monday, August 28), the E-mini S&P 500 Options group codes will change for the following products:
Group Code Change S&P 500 Options | |||
Product | MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset | Current iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
New iLink: tag 55-Symbol MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group |
E-mini S&P 500 Options | ES | EZ | EW |
E-mini S&P 500 Wednesday Weekly Options | E1C- E5C | EK | EW |
S&P 500 Wednesday Weekly Options | S1C- S5C | SW | OS |
To facilitate these changes, customers are asked to cancel all Good 'Till Cancel (GTC) and Good 'Till Date (GTD) orders for User-Defined Spreads (UDS) only for the affected products by the close on the Friday, August 25. After 16:00 CT on Friday, August 25 any remaining GT orders on UDS will be cancelled by the CME Global Command Center (GCC). GT orders on outright options will not be impacted.
These options will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, August 7.
These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.
On Friday May 19, CME Europe Limited (CMEEL) advised members and other participants that the last trading date for all remaining Products listed on CMEEL will be August 30. Members with open positions after that last trading date will be closed out in accordance with CME Clearing Europe Rules and in accordance with the Planned Termination Event as described in CME Clearing Europe Notice 17-24.
Additional information regarding this change can be found in the CME Europe Ltd Exchange Advisory Notice 17-014.
If you currently transact or broker Block Trades or Exchange of Futures for Related Positions (EFRPs), please contact your Exchange Clearing Member Firm or broker to ensure that you are ready for the planned migration of Block Trade and EFRP trade submission to CME Direct or CME ClearPort. Confirm your accounts are registered in CME Direct or CME ClearPort, credit limits are established and you or your clients have appropriate product permissions in place. Additionally, all brokers that execute on your behalf must be enabled with access to your account(s). CME Direct and CME ClearPort currently support submission of all Block Trades and EFRPs, and we strongly encourage you to migrate your trade activity well in advance of the deadline.
Effective Monday, July 17, 2017, all Block Trades and Exchange of Futures for Related Positions (EFRPs) transactions must be submitted via CME Direct or CME ClearPort. At the close of business on Friday, July 14, Front-End Clearing (FEC) and Front-End Clearing Plus (FEC+) will no longer support any Block or Exchange of Futures for Related Positions (EFRP) trade reporting or booking.
For additional information, please contact the CME Global Command Center in the US at +1 800 438 8616, in Europe at +44 207 623 4747 or in Asia at +65 6532 5010 with any questions.