When every basis point counts, access to cheap beta is critical. Today, as in the past, it is cheaper to replicate the S&P 500 with futures than with exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
Read our report to see how E-mini S&P 500 futures can help you reduce your costs to trade S&P 500 exposure and discover your potential savings with our Total Cost Analysis tool.
See what futures can do for your portfolio. Download Futures are Still on a Roll with the Buyside by Aite and discover the cost-efficiency of futures compared with ETFs.
The Total Cost Analysis Tool is designed to analyze the all-in costs of replicating the S&P 500 by trading equity index futures versus exchange-traded funds (ETFs).
"Our clients look to us to find cost effective and flexible ways to manage portfolio exposure needs on a daily basis. For the vast majority of our clients, we have found that futures may provide them the greatest flexibility to fulfill short-term risk management and performance enhancement goals such as cash equitization and securitization, portfolio rebalancing, currency hedging and transition management."
— Jack Hansen, Chief Investment Officer, Parametric -Minneapolis Investment Center
"With S&P 500 futures, investors receive the total return of the S&P 500 index less a money market rate-based funding cost, yet are only required to pay a small initial margin up front - in sharp contrast to the capital commitment plus fees required to own the S&P 500 via an ETF. This allows innovative equity investors, such as PIMCO, an opportunity to outperform the equity market simply by seeking a return on the remaining capital in excess of money market rates."
— Sabrina Callin, Managing Director and StocksPLUS product manager, PIMCO
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