Edit Trader ID Mode

Trader ID is a single field used to identify an individual executing either a Pit or Electronic transaction. The field contains the “Broker Symbol” for Pit transactions and the Globex Operator ID for Electronic transactions.

If it has been determined that a Trader ID has been passed through incorrectly for either a Pit or Electronic transaction, you may update the ID through the Edit Trader ID Mode, utilizing the instructions below:

  1. From the Mode field, choose Edit Trader ID.
  2. Trader ID will default in the Summarized By field. Trader ID/Trd Acct can be selected if needed.
  3. Select the Firm.
  4. In the Location field, if left blank, electronic and pit will be included. Select ELC to update only the Globex Operator ID or select PIT (to update only the “Broker Symbol”).
  5. Click Submit.

Edit Trader ID Summary Results

  1. Select the Change Trader ID option from the drop-down menu.
  2. Enter the New Trader ID.

New/Change Trader ID Entry Screen

  1. Click the Continue button.

The Change Trader ID screen will be returned, with a confirmation message. The adjustment status has changed to “Y”. The old trader ID is still displayed at this time, but will be updated in that night’s processing cycle.

Auto Response Identifying Trader ID Updated