EBS Deals Card

The EBS Deals Card displays the last dealt prices (Paid/Given) on the EBS Central Limit Order Book for currency pairs chosen by the user. Paid/Given rates are populated from the time of user login.

Add an EBS Deals Card to a Workspace from the Info Cards section of the Card Gallery at the top of the screen. As with other cards, users can drag and drop the EBS Deals Card anywhere in the Workspace.

Users can add more than one EBS Deals Cards to their Workspace, setting each card to display different currency pairs if desired, and track up to 20 instrument pairs per card.

  1. To add instrument pairs
  2. Navigate to EBS Deals Card > Add/Remove

  1. Scroll to find and select desired instruments or use search bar to filter relevant pairs. Once selection is made, Close to confirm.

Note: Sub-pip prices can be set to be appear visually distinct in EBS Deals, Trader Deals, and Market Data information cards. Refer to General Preferences > Market Card – Price Display Options for more details.