User Help System
Parsed Messages
In addition to sending standard text messages, Chat users have the option to send parsed messages. Parsed messages display in the message pane under the expanded Markets heading and allow users to view relevant market pricing and trade details in a single location. Without the parsed message display, users would have to search multiple windows for the same data.
Sending a Parsed Message
Chat allows users to send parsed messages to any of their Rooms or Contacts, and provides a separate window to enter trade details.
Using the Parsed Message Display
Parsed messages appear in the Markets messages pane, and display as trade summaries including trade date, product, side, and price. Clicking the down arrow () reveals additional trade details.
Copy & Reply
Recipients of a parsed message have the option to Reply to the message or Copy the message.
The Copy feature adds a duplicate parsed message to the display each time a user clicks the Copy button from within the parsed message
Clicking Reply opens a separate message pane where users can submit a response to the sender of the parsed message.