Federation Single Sign-On

Federation Single Sign-On is an identity and access service for authorized companies to log into most CME Group applications using their enterprise credentials. Customers have one less password to remember and manage, with no need to contact CME Group help desk for password reset issues. The firms retain control of their access management. Additionally, customers have the flexibility of choosing their own two-factor authentication method.

Federation Single Sign-On allows login to all CME Group applications except for CME Direct.

Note: For users who access New Release (e.g., for testing/developing purposes), they must establish their account in production.

User Experience

Once federated, users can select LOG IN at https://login.cmegroup.com/ using their own enterprise credentials.

Non-Federated Users


The Log In screen requires a EMAIL/USER ID and Password.

Federated Users


The modified Federation Single Sign-On Login screen appears (the password field disappears after entering the Email Address); user selects NEXT. Users are redirected to a Sign On screen where they enter their enterprise/firm Username and Password then select Sign On.