My Certifications / Front End Systems

The My Certifications / Front End Systems page is used to:

Note: Only front end systems that the logged in user is permissioned for in AutoCert+ will display.

Viewing Certification Testing Status

  1. To view certification testing status:
  1. From the Administration menu, select Application System / Front End System.

  1. Select a Company and Market in the drop-down.

A list of front end systems and the certification test suites that the applications are certified to are displayed.

Resending a Certification Completion Email

  • To resend a certification completion email:
  1. View certification testing status.
  2. Select Resend Certification Email.

  1. Select an "Application System" .

The "Test Suite" drop-down list is populated with the completed test suites for the selected application system.

  1. Select a "Test Suite".
  1. Select Submit.
  2. A notification displays.

The certification completion email is resent to the registered email address.