Error Messages

See the list of errors that you might receive when submitting self-service injector requests and the necessary actions to take below.

Error Message

Action Required

Failed to get sample Outright Trades

No outright trades found.

Update your request to match the trades in Production.

Failed to get sample Spreads

No spread trades found.

Update your request to match the trades in Production.

Couldn't find product's ISIN from IRIS Product Component API

The product you used to replay was not found. Update your request to match the trades in Production.

Unable to get source trades from production due to outright mapping file issue

Contact Clearing Services for assistance.

Unable to get source trades from production due to spreads mapping file issue

Error while fetching Source trades from CDPS in Production.

Unable to get trades from production due to an exception

Failed to inject OUTRIGHT Trades

Failed to inject SLED Trades

TransmitTradesService throws unhandled exception:

Failed to generate Trades

Failed to generate Trades as ISIN replacement had errors for all trades.