User Help System
Error Messages
See the list of errors that you might receive when submitting self-service injector requests and the necessary actions to take below.
Error Message |
Action Required |
Failed to get sample Outright Trades |
No outright trades found. Update your request to match the trades in Production. |
Failed to get sample Spreads |
No spread trades found. Update your request to match the trades in Production. |
Couldn't find product's ISIN from IRIS Product Component API |
The product you used to replay was not found. Update your request to match the trades in Production. |
Unable to get source trades from production due to outright mapping file issue |
Contact Clearing Services for assistance. |
Unable to get source trades from production due to spreads mapping file issue |
Error while fetching Source trades from CDPS in Production. |
Unable to get trades from production due to an exception |
Failed to inject OUTRIGHT Trades |
Failed to inject SLED Trades |
TransmitTradesService throws unhandled exception: |
Failed to generate Trades |
Failed to generate Trades as ISIN replacement had errors for all trades. |