User Help System
Registering and Managing Operator IDs (Tag 50)
Operator IDs, also known as Tag 50 IDs, identify trading participants (individual or ATS Group) that access and submit messages to / from CME Globex and are used to identify authorized individuals (individuals, terminal / algorithm operators - Automated Trading System (ATS) teams (head trader, ATS team members).
Registration of Operator IDs are required for individual members, employees of a member, employees or contractors of a clearing or corporate member and any other party receiving preferential fees in accordance with programs offered by CME, CBOT, NYMEX, COMEX. Regardless of whether a party is eligible for preferential fees, CME Group reserves the right to require the registration of any market participant.
Operator ID must be unique at the Clearing Member (Registered Entity) and Trading firm level. Clearing member firms have the responsibility to ensure Operator ID are registered and correct information maintained in the Exchange Fee System (EFS).
Available Request Center - Operator ID functions:
- Accessing Operator ID Self-Service, including pre-requisites
- Viewing Operator ID details
- Registering Operator IDs
- Adding Clearing Firm selections
- Managing view access for trading firms
- Manage user access to register new Operator IDs and view details of existing IDs
Operator ID Video Tutorial
View an overview video and instructions to create Operator IDs
Information provided in the video:
- Granting Operator ID entitlements (C-User Administration).
- Managing Trading Firm permissions to view a Operator ID (C-Request Center).
- Selecting Clearing Firms to manage (T-Request Center).
- Registering new Operator IDs (C/T-Request Center).
- Reviewing, editing, approving Operator ID registration requests (C-Request Center).
Intended Audience:
C = Clearing Firm Admin
T= Trading Firm Admin
Accessing Operator ID Self-Service
The Request Center includes self-service capability for authorized Clearing Member and Trading firm users to search and view registered firms, including Operator IDs.
Using Request Center - Operator ID functions Clearing Member and Trading firm administrators can Register new Operator ID, for individuals and ATS teams.
Before accessing Operator ID self-service functions, ensure the following is completed:
- Self-Service Agreement: Clearing and Trading firms must have an active Self-Service agreement on file with CME Group.
- User Administration: CME has authorized Entity Officers / Admin Managers as administrative users for their entities and related firms.
Prior to viewing Operator ID data and authorizing firm access, Admin Managers must authorize themselves with entitlements.
In addition to the Entity Officer, CME Group recommends registering additional users:
- Application Administrators: Authorize clearing firm users for full Request Center - Operator ID user entitlements, including the ability to manage other users.
- Clearing / Trading firm users: Register Operator ID and manage ATS team members.
Authorized trading firm users can submit Operator ID and ATS team members for clearing firm administrator approval.
- Trading Firm Access: Execution / Trading firm users that want to view Operator ID details must contact their registered entity Admin Manager for Request Center Permissions; to view Operator ID data.
Viewing Operator ID Details
The following function is available to users that have been granted Operator ID View Only access (firm-level), Request Center Operator ID Read Only / Permissions (user-level) entitlements.
- To view Operator ID details:
- From CME Customer Center select the Request Center - Futures and Options menu, then select Operator ID / Tag 50.
- If you have access to more than one entity, select one or more Registered Entities. As you type matching firm IDs appear.
The Operator ID / Tag 50 list updates to show the following:
- Registered Entity: Firm, Request Center identifier and name. Sort or filter to view or export results by entity.
- Results / Rows per page: Number of available IDs / row and pagination options.
- Sort - To sort by ascending or descending order, select column headings.
Using the Request Center - Operator ID function, authorized users can view details for Active Operator IDs:
- Name
- Clearing firm
- Associated entity
- Registration type: ATS team, registered exchange(s)
- ATS team name
- Effective periods
- Register Operator ID: Available to clearing and trading firm administrators.
- Export: Default results include active IDs only. To view expired IDs, select Export and filter options.
- Type: Excel / CSV
- Expired: View expired IDs (only) in a CSV or MS Excel file.
- Active / Expired: View active and expired IDs in a single exported CSV or MS Excel file.
- Refine By: Filter by selected criteria, including primary results.
Select the criteria, then Submit.
- Select Operator ID / Tag 50: To view additional individual or ATS team details, select the blue linked Operator ID. Details appear from a pop-out pane and include membership registration type, trader type, exchanges and expired registrations.
ATS Team
Related Functions
Additional Operator ID registration and management functions are available from the CME Exchange Fee System - Globex Registration, including .
Contact Information
- To inquire about Operator ID (Tag 50) access or details, contact your clearing firm / registered entity.
- For questions about Request Center access or entitlements, contact Global Account Management (GAM).
- For login / access issues, contact Enterprise Access and System Entitlements (EASE).