User Help System
Account Summary
Using the Account Summary - Real-time Margin Dashboard users can view margin, and trade count data for portfolios with cleared OTC interest rate swap (IRS) trades. Information is available for end-of-day (previous trading day) portfolios and positions throughout the trading day. Data is updated every 15 minutes for current portfolios.
To be entitled to use the Account Summary function, request access via an email to
- Provide your CME Group Login ID.
- Requested feature: Real time dashboard, Account Summary.
- Associated performance bond account.
- Legal entity name to which you require access.
- The asset class for which you want interactive margin calculations.
The CME CORE registration team reviews requests and confirms with the firm’s verification officer. Upon completion, notification is sent to the requestor.
- To add accounts:
- On the CME Core Home screen > Account Summary pane, select Add Account.
- From the dialog that appears, select one or more accounts to add, then select Add.
Available accounts are limited to those which you are authorized, by the firm's verification officer, to view.
The selected accounts are added.
Moving the mouse pointer to an account opens a dialog with additional information.