User Help System
Support MOSR Functionality for a Particular Market Segment
The purpose of this test is to verify that your system can submit an Order Mass Status Request (35=F) message and receive Order Status Request Acknowledgment (35=8,150=i) messages when obtaining the statuses for all working orders for a specific market segment.
- To run a Support MOSR Functionality for a Particular Market Segment test:
- From the Contract drop-down, select the desired contract if the contract is not already locked.
- Click the START TEST button.
Note: DO NOT select the START TEST button once the test process is in progress.
- Over an iLink connection, submit a Limit Day order [New Order (35=D)] for the selected instrument on segment 99.
- Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not your system properly received and processed the Execution Report - Confirmation/Acknowledgment.
- Using the same instrument, submit a second Limit Day order [New Order (35=D)] for the selected instrument on segment 99.
- Select Yes or No to indicate whether or not your system properly received and processed the Execution Report - Confirmation/Acknowledgment.
- Submit an Order Mass Status Request (35=AF) message with tag 585-MassStatusReqType=100 (Market Segment) for all orders for a specific market segment. Receive the following messages.
- Orders Status Request Acknowledgment (35=8,150=I) for the first order
- Orders Status Request Acknowledgment (35=8,150=I) for the second order