User Help System
Market Data Request by Instrument Level Request Verification (Snapshot Only)
This test verifies that your application can send and process a Market Data Request messages.
- From the Contract drop-down, select the desired contracts if the contracts are not already locked.
- Select START TEST.
- To run the Market Data Request by Instrument Level Request Verification (Snapshot Only) test:
- Submit a MarketDataRequest message for 263-SubscriptionReqType=0, NoSecurityGroup(tag 37022)=0 (for all securities client is entitled to) and NoRelatedSym (tag 146)=1 with given securityIDs provided in tag 48 in repeatingGroup
- Select Yes or No to indicate whether your application successfully received and processed RequestAck with MDReqIDStatus=0 [full ack] or MDReqIDStatus(tag 37720)=1[partial ack]