Suspending / Allowing Order Entry

Using the Account Credit Controls - Suspend Order entry function, authorized Clearing Member and Execution firm administrators can restrict the ability of execution firms to enter or modify orders. Suspended accounts can still cancel orders and preset credit and product trading limits are not affected.

When the reason for order suspension is resolved, authorized users can Allow order entry and execution firm order entry can resume.

  • To suspend execution firm order entry:
  1. Select the Account menu, then perform a search for the account associated with the execution firm to suspend.

  1. From the results that appear, select a blue hyperlinked account number.

  1. Select the ICC (CME Globex) tab then select, Suspend Order Entry, for the firm you want to restrict.

  1. On the confirmation dialog that appears, select OK.


  • To allow order entry:
  1. After resolving the reason for suspension, repeat steps 1-3, then select Allow Order Entry.
  • Perform a search for the account.
  • Select the Account.
  • Select ICC (CME Globex) tab.
  • From Execution Firms pane, select Allow Order Entry.

  1. On the dialog that appears, select OK.