An interactive options analytics tool where users can analyze open interest and open interest change patterns for each expiration within the selected product.
Clicking on the current product group or the arrow next to the current product group will display a dropdown with all the product groups that are currently available in QuikStrike. After selecting a group, all products for that group will be displayed in the horizontal menu next to the blue product group selector. If a product contains CSOs (calendar spread options), APOs (average price options) and/or product spreads (like WTI/Brent), those products will be listed separately under the CSOs or Exotics section of each menu column.
Expirations for each product are displayed directly underneath the product group and product selection menu. Click on any of the expiration menu groups to see the list associated with that group name. Clicking on an individual expiration will display the information accordingly.
Clicking the PDF icon will show two options for printing the current page information - Portrait or Landscape. The recommended print format for this report (greatest resolution, etc.) is Landscape.
The help (question mark) button will show markers on key areas of the report with a short title or description of function or data displayed.
Use this menu to change the display characteristics of the Open Interest Chart. Control the number of strikes displayed (up and down from the at-the-money strike), how strikes are filtered [Has Open Interest, Has Open Interest Change] the value to display on the chart [Open Interest, Open Interest Change] and what option types to display [Calls and Puts, Call Only, Puts Only].
Displays the greatest change in open interest across the entire product.
Utilize the Prev and Next links to move backward and forward in time. Up to 30 days of history will be available at any given time.
When the Data Display Settings -> Chart Value has Open Interest Change selected (the default setting is Open Interest) the Trade Date title will change to Compare Date and the tool will then show the change in open interest between the most recent trading day and the date selected. Note that the initial comparison when changing to this display mode will be between the last trading day and the most recent prior trading day.
The chart will display strike level open interest (or change in open interest) values and the corresponding volume via the mini-chart below the main chart. The thin red vertical line is the current at-the-money (ATM) strike.
These small tables are summary values for the entire currently selected expiration. ITM equals the total open interest (and net change) for all in-the-money options. OTM equals the total open interest (and net change) for all out-of-the-money options. The ATM, at-the-money, is included in one or the other group total depending on its relation to the current underlying price. If the future price equals the strike price, then the ATM is included in the ITM totals.