User Guide: Product and Expiration Browser Tool

Select the asset class of your choice and start your query. You can search by symbol (light yellow background color) or enter text to find a match by product name, type of derivative or general search term. Use the Filter button to refine your search to a particular product group and customize the symbol columns displayed with the Settings button. The list of symbols that match your entry will be displayed in a dropdown. You can select all items in the dropdown by hitting the Enter key; or, you can select the items you want to investigate further and click the Apply button near the bottom. The list below will display your selection.

The featured function of the Product Browser is the ability to view or download all active expiration information for the current product list or for an individual product. Use the Action menu (top right) to do a bulk download or click the icon to the right of each product to take a particular action on a specific product.

Sample Report

1. Asset Class Tabs

Select the asset class tab to start the product filtering process. Once selected, the Filter button will only display the product groups within the current asset class. This should make the search process more streamlined and efficient.

Tool Tip: Select Asset Class to start the filtering process

2. Filter and Settings

Once the asset class has been selected, the Filter button will only display the product groups within the current asset class. Selecting a particular group will filter the product list even further. You can also filter by derivative type or exchange. The Settings button will allow you to control the other symbol-oriented columns available for display.

Tool Tip: Filter by product group, derivative or exchange as well as display alternate symbol columns

3. Actions Menu

The actions menu has two menu items (more are likely to be added as the tool matures): View Expirations and Export Expirations. View Expirations allows you to see a popup with all the expirations (symbols, dates, etc.) for the currently selected product list. To export this list to an Excel CSV file, select Export Expirations.

Tool Tip: View or export expirations for currently selected products

4. Product Search Textbox

Any text entered into the Search Textbox will start by searching all four of the (yellow) highlighted columns for a match (e.g. CL). You can also search for multiple symbols at the same time (e.g. CL, NG). If you type more than three characters, the search will try to match on the Product Name text (e.g. eurodollar options).

Tool Tip: Search by a specific symbol, symbol list or product name or derivative type

5. Product Count Display Message

This displays the number of products currently available (from the total available) as part of the filtered data.

Tool Tip: Current number of products meeting filter criteria

6. Product Symbol Columns

The four searchable column headers point to the following product symbol information:

  • CLR = Clearing Code
  • GLBX = CME Globex Code
  • PRS = Product Symbol Code (tied to the CME DataMine end-of-day file for product symbol lookups)
  • FUT = Underlying Futures Code (use this is find ALL products tied to a specific future)

The other column headers represent the following:

  • FLR = Floor Code (not shown)
  • GRP = Group Code (this does not work quite as well as the FUT column for grouping symbols)
  • ITC = ITC Code (legacy code)
  • QS = QuikStrike® Code (if a symbol is present here it means that it is covered in QuikStrike)

Tool Tip: Symbol list (highlighted) available for searching

7. Product Name and Contract Specs Link

This is the formal product name. If text appears blue, then the name is also a link to the CME Group contract specifications page.

Tool Tip: Full product name with click to contract spec when available

8. Individual Product Menu

This menu currently contains three menu items if the product is a futures contract and two if it is an option. For futures, the tool will display a link to a futures chart for that product (defaulting to the closest expiration). If the tool can display a chart (via the CME Globex code), one will appear. You will be able to select any of the other available futures contracts for display as well via contract drop down. The other menu items will let you show all the expiration date information for the product in a popup of export that same data into am Excel CSV file.

Tool Tip: View chart, expirations or export list to Excel CSV file

Sample Chart

Sample Export