(This SER supersedes SER-7617 dated March 21, 2016 and is being issued to include American- and European-style exercise options on Japanese Yen/US Dollar (JPY/USD) futures and American-style exercise options on Euro/Japanese Yen (EUR/JPY) futures, which were not originally included on the list of eligible FX option contracts adding third serial month expirations. No other changes have been made to the original SER.)
Effective Sunday, April 24, 2016 for trade date Monday, April 25, 2016, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (“CME” or “Exchange”) will add a third serial month expiration to the following Foreign Exchange (“FX”) option contracts within the currently established listing cycle.
Questions regarding this notice may be directed to:
Ravi Pandit +65 6593 5562 Ravi.Pandit@cmegroup.com
Will Patrick +44 20 3379 3721 Will.Patrick@cmegroup.com
Craig LeVeille +1 312 454 5301 Craig.LeVeille@cmegroup.com
Simon Burnham +1 312 930 3426 Simon.Burnham@cmegroup.com
Kevin McMillin +1 312 930 8264 Kevin.McMillin@cmegroup.com
Please click here for complete SER-7617R.