Effective Sunday, September 27, 2015 for trade date Monday, September 28, 2015, and pending all relevant CFTC regulatory review periods, Commodity Exchange, Inc. (“COMEX” or “Exchange”) will amend COMEX Rule 12101. (“Contract Specifications”) of the Silver Futures (Commodity Code: SI; Rulebook Chapter: 112) contract commencing with the January 2016 contract month and beyond.
More specifically, COMEX will increase the weight tolerance level for delivery from 6% to 10% for all Silver futures contracts commencing with the January 2016 contract month and beyond. The weight tolerance level for delivery for all Silver futures contract months up to and including the December 2015 contract month shall remain at the current weight tolerance level of 6%.
Please refer questions on this subject to:
Joann Arena joann.arena@cmegroup.com (212) 299-2356
Miguel Vias Miguel.vias@cmegroup.com (212) 299 2358
Please click here for complete SER-7432.