• Amendments to the Price Increment Rules of Thirty (30) CME Foreign Exchange (FX) Futures Contracts

      • To
      • Members, Member Firms and Market Users
      • From
      • Research and Product Development
      • #
      • SER-7383
      • Notice Date
      • 11 June 2015
      • Effective Date
      • 05 July 2015
    • Effective Sunday, July 5, 2015 for trade date Monday, July 6, 2015, and pending all relevant CFTC

      regulatory review periods, Chicago Mercantile Exchange Inc. (CME or Exchange) will amend the price increment rules of thirty (30) foreign exchange (FX) futures contracts.


      These amendments shall be effective concurrent with CME’s previous announcement to close most open outcry futures trading pits by July 2015.    


      Specifically, CME is deleting all references in the product rules relating to the price increments of these 30 FX futures contracts that reference:  (1) Intra-currency spreads executed as simultaneous transactions on the trading floor pursuant to CME Rule 542.A. and (2) All–Or–None (AON) transactions executed pursuant to CME Rule 521. 


      Attachment 1 lists the 30 FX futures contracts that will require amendments to their product chapters.


      Attachment 2 summarizes the proposed rule amendments to the relevant rules in black-line format.


      Please direct questions regarding this notice to:



      Will Patrick                                +44 20 3379 3721                      Will.Patrick@cmegroup.com



      Craig LeVeille                            +1 312 454 5301                        Craig.LeVeille@cmegroup.com

      Simon Burnham                         +1 312 930 3426                        Simon.Burnham@cmegroup.com

      Sean Hayden                            +1 312 338 2849                        Sean.Hayden@cmegroup.com

      Kevin McMillin                           +1 312 930 8264                        Kevin.McMillin@cmegroup.com