Recently, the Commodity Exchange, Inc. (COMEX or Exchange) was notified by C. Steinweg (Baltimore), Inc., a COMEX Licensed Warehouse for the storage of copper deliverable against the Exchange’s Copper futures contract, that it will implement new rates in connection with the storage of copper at the facility located in Baltimore, Maryland, effective February 1, 2012. The new rates, presented below, reflect the maximum amount of fees that can be charged.
In accordance with Exchange rules, the new rate schedule will become effective on February 1, 2012.
New Storage Rates
C. Steinweg (Baltimore), Inc. |
New Rates, Effective February 1, 2012 |
Arrival Rail to Stored* per net ton: |
$5.50 |
Warehouse Rental per net ton per month or part thereof: |
$9.00 |
From in Warehouse to Free on Truck (FOT) per net ton: |
$30.00 |
From in Warehouse to Free on Rail* per net ton: |
$34.00 |
Blocking and Bracing** per net ton: |
$5.00 |
Banding of Bundles*** per bundle: |
$7.50 |
Bill of Lading each: |
$15.00 |
Issuance/Replacement W/R per W/R: |
$25.00 |
Minimum Storage Charge for Less than One Lot per lot per month per part thereof: |
$100.00 |
*basis standard box car
**per driver’s instructions
***for broken bundles received from carrier
All other currently published charges for storage and handling at C. Steinweg (Baltimore), Inc. remain unchanged.
Please refer questions on this subject to:
Market Regulation:
Terry Gehring 312.435.3644
Energy & Metals Research:
Joann Arena 212.299.2356