DATE: July 14, 2014
MKR#: 07-14-14D
SUBJECT: Application for Increase in Soybean Meal Regularity
Pursuant to Regulation 703 notice hereby is given that AG Processing Inc. has applied to the Exchange for an increase in regularity for soybean meal regularity. The following chart provides the elevator name, current daily rate of loading, current maximum allowable certificates, requested daily rate of loading and maximum allowable certificates if the request is approved.
Facility Daily Rate of Loading Maximum Number of Shipping Certificates
AG Processing Inc. 930 (tons) 169
St. Joseph, MO
Requested Requested
Facilitiy Daily Rate of Loading Maximum Number of Shipping Certificates
AG Processing Inc. 1012 (tons) 181
St. Joseph, MO
Market Surveillance
Terry Gehring (312) 435-3644