DATE: July 14, 2014
MKR#: 07-14-14C
SUBJECT: Increase in Rough Rice Regularity
The Exchange has received a request from Poinsett Rice and Grain Inc. for an increase of rough rice regularity. The following chart provides the elevator name, current storage capacity (in hundredweights), current maximum allowable receipts, requested storage capacity (in hundredweights) and maximum allowable receipts if the request is approved.
Current Maximum Requested Maximum
Elevator Capacity Receipts Capacity Receipts
Waldenburg, AR 1,538,000 769 1,746,900 873
Pursuant to Regulation 703 changes in regular capacity will become effective either 30 days after a notice has been posted or the day after the application is approved by the Exchange, whichever is later.
Market Surveillance
Terry Gehring (312) 435-3644