• Application for Ethanol Regularity

      • From
      • Registrar's Office
      • #
      • MKR04-23-15
      • Notice Date
      • 23 April 2015
      • Effective Date
      • 23 April 2015
    • DATE:                    April 23, 2015

      MKR#:                    04-23-15

      SUBJECT:             Application for Ethanol Regularity



      Pursuant to Regulation 703.A, notice hereby is given that Alcotra North America Inc. has applied to the Exchange for a declaration of regularity in Ethanol at the following location:


                                                                        Daily Rate                                                  Maximum   

      Location                                                    of Loading                                                 Certificates


      Argo, IL                                                  58,000-Gallons                                                    44


      Market Surveillance

      Marc Naimoli                                     Marc.Naimoli@cmegroup.com                  (312) 341-7051