DATE: January 30, 2014
MKR#: 01-30-14
SUBJECT: Application for Rough Rice Regularity
Notice is hereby given that Ritter Grain Services has applied for regularity for Rough Rice at a location in Otwell, AR. The requested storage capacity (in hundredweights) and maximum allowable receipts if the request is approved is as follows:
Maximum Requested
Elevator Capacity Receipts
Otwell, AR 1,592,000 796
This location is currently under license and regularity for Harvest Rice Inc. If this application is approved, Ritter Grain Services would assume all storage obligations under this approval including outstanding warehouse receipts. Harvest Rice Inc. would decrease their regularity in conjunction with this approval. Such assumption of storage obligations is permissible under the United States Warehouse Act and the process is monitored and approved by the USDA Farm Services Agency.
There are currently 31 registered receipts outstanding at this facility.
Please refer questions on this subject to:
Market Surveillance