DATE: June 2, 2014
MKR#: 06-02-14
SUBJECT: Declaration of Regularity Renewal for Hard Red Winter Wheat Facilities
The Exchange has approved the regularity for Hard Red Winter Wheat delivery facilities listed in Chapter 14 of the CBOT Rulebook for a period beginning June 1, 2014.
Please note the following changes:
The Exchange has approved a request from ADM Grain Company for the withdrawal of their regularity for the delivery of Hard Red Winter Wheat at the firm’s Milwaukee elevator located in Kansas City. There are no registered receipts from this facility.
Approval is effective immediately.
Market Surveillance
Terry Gehring (312) 435-3644
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) will be notified of this declaration of regularity during the week of June 9th, 2014 via the weekly notification procedures set out in Part 40 of the CFTC Regulations.