Liquidity Alerts

Get Started

Get real-time Instant Message alerts when trades are executed in the markets you care about

With CME Group Liquidity Alerts, you can receive Trade, Block and Request for Quote (RFQ) activity alerts directly to your existing instant message application including CME Pivot, CME Direct Chat, CME Direct Mobile and Reuters Eikon Messenger, in an easy-to-read format.

Subscribe to Channels and Get IMs When the Markets Move


Liquidity alerts are accessed and managed in the CME Group Customer Center.  New users can get started by registering for a CME Group Login.


Users can self- manage their alert center in the CME Group Customer Center following these steps once they are logged in:

  1. Under the Administration tab, select Liquidity Alerts UI
  2. Setup your user profile according to your selected network and save
  3. To setup your product alerts, click on the Subscribe Products button, select desired products and type (i.e. Block, RFQ, Trade) and click save again*

*For highly liquid products, the alert type for “Trade” is not available

Contact Us

For more information, or to unsubscribe, contact: 

Liquidity Alerts Team

Discover the smart option for trading

With a single click, tap into the deep liquidity and transparency of CME Group's robust options, futures and Block markets, leaving no opportunity uncovered.

Enjoy integrated instant messaging, a range of analytics, and real-time trade flow between your front and middle office.