CME SPAN Methodology Reference Materials
Access all of the documents you need in order to use Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN®) effectively.
CME Clearing offers a variety of resources and documents to guide you through using the CME SPAN methodology.
CME SPAN Methodology Resources
Using 16 scenarios, the CME SPAN Methodology can assess risk for futures, options, physicals and equities. Learn more and see examples.
Download the latest version.
Documentation & installation guide for CME PC-SPAN software & CME SPAN Risk Manager software.
Exchange files and other data.
Acronym descriptions and other data.
Learn how to install and use the SpanPosConv.exe conversion utility.
File formats and layouts, and position files for loading data into the CME SPAN methodology.
Tutorials and Troubleshooting
To update your version of CME SPAN software please login to CME CORE.
Step by step directions on how to update your Orgmaster.
Step by step directions on how to update your version of CME PC-SPAN® software.
Step by step directions on how load a risk array file into CME PC-SPAN® software.
Step by step directions on how to create a position in CME PC-SPAN® software.
Step by step directions on how to read some of the reports in the CME PC-SPAN® software.
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