Europe’s Blossoming Admiration for Crypto

2. Liquidity at the heart of investments

For an asset to be investable by institutions, it needs to have sufficient liquidity. European institutions have access to exchanges that offer a broader range of crypto ETFs, exchange-traded notes (ETN), funds, derivatives, perpetual contracts and a maturing array of platforms on which to transact.

Reliable onramps have notably improved over the past few years, as a handful of European exchanges have raised significant funding rounds and global exchanges have expanded their European presence.

3. Yield through decentralized finance (DeFi)

Across the region, DeFi is the most popular service category, accounting for 54.8% of cryptocurrency value received. DeFi has played a key role in CNWE’s crypto adoption over the past few years, most notably with decentralized exchanges (DEXes).

Why are European investors banking on DeFi? The answer can be summed up in two words that characterize the European banking landscape: yield and technology.

European institutions are accustomed to receiving interest payments on their bank deposits and typically consider an account offering a rate higher than inflation as a valuable investment option. However, with interest rates hovering near zero or even dipping into negative territory in recent years, institutions have been compelled to seek yield elsewhere. There is a growing recognition that yield must be sought in technological ventures, with DeFi platforms emerging as alternative avenues.

These evolving dynamics are driving crypto assets closer to integration with traditional financial systems, opening up new avenues for yield generation for both investors and entrepreneurs. The recent performance of crypto markets, coupled with in depth analysis of investment trends, underscores a robust demand for such assets. The resulting wave of innovation meets this demand and may end up benefiting market participants of all types.

4. Technological advancements

European financial institutions are avid adopters of technical advancements, a tendency stemming from their historical emphasis on IT infrastructure, surpassing that of U.S banks. This inclination has been driven by the need to remain competitive compared to their U.S. counterparts.

Innovation has been pivotal in propelling the recent expansion of the banking sector, to the extent that many Europeans cannot recall the last time they used a paper check.

Consequently, financial institutions are starting to view decentralized finance not as a threat but as a promising opportunity. Several prominent stock exchanges are already setting up for the convergence of traditional and crypto asset trading. Many banks are looking into both centralized and decentralized blockchain-based applications and have intentions to offer crypto trading, a process that is likely to accelerate as their institutional clients become more active in the field.

Regional Risk Management

As growth in the eurozone continues at pace, the importance of regionalized risk management tools will become more prevalent. 

The euro-denominated, and euro-margined, Micro Bitcoin Euro and Micro Ether Euro futures contracts provide market participants with additional tools to hedge exposure to bitcoin and ether – the two largest cryptocurrencies by market capitalization.




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