• CME Globex Notices: December 27, 2021

      • To
      • CME Globex and Market Data Customers
      • From
      • Global Market Solutions & Services (GMSS)
      • #
      • 20211227
      • Notice Date
      • 30 December 2021
    • For the latest roadmap of CME Group technology initiatives:
      See the Development Launch Schedule.

      Critical System Updates

      Three-Month SOFR Futures vs Eurodollar Futures on CME Globex - January 9

      Effective Sunday, January 9, 2022 (trade date Monday, January 10), an outright futures contract that represents the differential between the Three-Month SOFR futures vs Eurodollar futures contracts will be listed for trading on CME Globex commencing with the September 2023 contract month.

      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Tag 167 - SecurityType tag 167 TAG 969 - MINPRICEINCREMENT MDP 3.0 CHANNEL
      Three-Month SOFR Futures (SR3) vs Eurodollar Futures (GE) SED SS FUT 0.001 312

      Please Note: Implieds will NOT be enabled.

      Trades in the SED future will be decomposed in CME Clearing to trades in the Three-Month SOFR future and Eurodollar futures as described below.

      Buying the SED future will result in Clearing a buy of Three-Month SOFR futures and sell of Eurodollar futures.

      Security Definition Example: SEDU3

      Example: Buying the SED Future

      Buy 1 September 2023 Three-Month SOFR Futures
      Sell 1 September 2023 Eurodollar Futures

      The Three-Month SOFR futures (Clearing product code SR3) vs Eurodollar (Clearing product code ED) futures traded as SED will be cleared as outright trades and will be priced as follows:

      • The ED price will be determined as prior-day settlement,
      • The SR3 price will be determined as the prior-day Eurodollar settlement price, plus ISDA (International Swaps and Derivatives Association) spread adjustment rounded to four decimals (0.2616), plus the SED futures trade price.

      For additional information on the SED outright futures please refer to the Special Executive Report SER-8881.

      Further information on these trades is published in the Clearing House Notice.

      Clients can retrieve additional product and instrument information from the Reference Data API.

      These futures are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

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      EC Calendar Spread Leg Pricing Methodology Change - January 23

      On Sunday, January 23, 2022 (for trade date Monday, January 24), to provide a more consistent leg pricing experience, the leg pricing methodology for the SecuritySubType=EC is being modified to use leg1 (the nearest expiration) as the anchor with prior day’s settlement price when the spread trades at zero, positive or negative price.  Currently, when the spread trades at a positive price, the leg2 (the deferred expiration) acts as the anchor leg.

      In addition, a new BTIC on Adjusted Interest Rate FTSE-100 Total Return Index futures calendar spread will be listed for trading on CME Globex.

      Please review the client impact assessment  for additional details.

      These changes are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

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      Product Launches

      Argus Portside Iron Ore Futures - January 9

      Effective SundayJanuary 9, 2022 (trade date Monday, January 10), the following Argus Portside Iron Ore futures will be listed for trading with a new unit of measure on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Market Data Channel
      Iron Ore China Portside Fines CNH fot Qingdao (Argus) Futures PAC MA 360
      Iron Ore China Portside Fines USD Seaborne Equivalent (Argus) Futures PAU MA 360

      Please Note: With this launch, the Iron Ore China Portside Fines CNH fot Qingdao (Argus) futures will feature a new unit of measure identified in the Security Definition (tag 35-MsgType=d) message in tag 996-UnitOfMeasure= WMT (Wet Metric Ton).

      These futures are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of COMEX.

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      NewNew - Listing Bitcoin Futures versus Micro Bitcoin Futures Fixed Price Ratio Inter-Commodity Spreads - January 23

      Effective Sunday, January 23, 2022 (trade date Monday, January 24), Bitcoin futures vs Micro Bitcoin futures Fixed Price Ratio Inter-Commodity spreads will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Listing Bitcoin Futures versus Micro Bitcoin Futures Fixed Price Ratio Inter-Commodity Spreads

      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Tag 762-
      Market Data Channel
      Bitcoin Futures vs. Micro Bitcoin Futures BTC BF AE 318

      Please Note: Implieds will NOT be enabled. 

      The spreads are structured as leg1 Bitcoin Futures (BTC) minus leg2 Micro Bitcoin Futures (MBT) with a ratio of 1:50. Additional information on the Fixed Priced Ratio Inter-Commodity spreads can be found on the Spreads and Combinations Available on CME Globex confluence page.

      Example: Buying the spreads results in:
      Buy 1 January 2022 Bitcoin Futures (BTC)
      Sell 50 March 2022 Micro Bitcoin Futures (MBT)

      These spreads will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, January 10, 2022.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

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      EC Calendar Spread Leg Pricing Methodology Change - January 23

      On Sunday, January 23, 2022 (for trade date Monday, January 24), to provide a more consistent leg pricing experience, the leg pricing methodology for the SecuritySubType=EC is being modified to use leg1 (the nearest expiration) as the anchor with prior day’s settlement price when the spread trades at zero, positive or negative price.  Currently, when the spread trades at a positive price, the leg2 (the deferred expiration) acts as the anchor leg.

      In addition, a new BTIC on Adjusted Interest Rate FTSE-100 Total Return Index futures calendar spread will be listed for trading on CME Globex.

      Please review the client impact assessment for additional details.

      These changes are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

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      Japanese Power (Day-Ahead) Tokyo Base-Load Average Price Option - January 23

      Effective Sunday, January 23, 2022 (trade date Monday, January 24), pending completion of all regulatory review periods, Japanese Power (Day-Ahead) Tokyo Base-Load Average Price option will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Japanese Power (Day-Ahead) Tokyo Base-Load Average Price Option
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Market Data Channel
      Japanese Power (Day-Ahead) Tokyo Base-Load Average Price Option JTO PH (UDS: PG) 387

      This Japanese Power (Day-Ahead) Tokyo Base-Load Average Price option will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, January 10, 2022.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.

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      NewNew - Container Freight Futures - February 13

      Effective Sunday, February 13, 2022 (trade date Monday, February 14, 2022), pending completion of all regulatory review periods, Container Freight futures will be listed for trading on CME Globex and for submission for clearing via CME ClearPort.

      Container Freight Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      TAG 996-UNITOFMEASURE Market Data Channel
      Container Freight (China/East Asia to US West Coast) (FBX01) (Baltic) Futures CS1 FT FEU (Forty Foot Equivalent Unit) 386
      Container Freight (US West Coast to China/East Asia) (FBX02) (Baltic) Futures CS2
      Container Freight (China/East Asia to US East Coast) (FBX03) (Baltic) Futures CS3
      Container Freight (China/East Asia to North Europe) (FBX11) (Baltic) Futures CS4
      Container Freight (North Europe to China/East Asia) (FBX12) (Baltic) Futures CS5
      Container Freight (China/East Asia to Mediterranean) (FBX13) (Baltic) Futures CS6

      Please Note: Container Freight futures will feature a new value for tag 996-UnitofMeasure=FEU (Forty Foot Equivalent Unit).

      These futures will be available for customer testing in New Release on Monday, January 31, 2022.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of NYMEX.

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      Product Changes

      Changes to Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index Futures: Resting Order Eliminations - January 9

      Effective Sunday, January 9, 2022 (trade date Monday, January 10), pending completion of all regulatory review periods, Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index futures, spreads and indices will be amended as follows:

      • Change to tag 1146-MinPriceIncrementAmount
      • Change to tag 1147-UnitOfMeasureQty
      • Change to the Non-Reviewable Ranges
      To facilitate the change, customers are asked to cancel all Good ‘Till Cancel (GTC) and Good ‘Till Date (GTD) orders after the close on Friday, January 7, 2022. After 16:00 CT on Friday, January 7, all remaining GT orders for these futures and spreads will be cancelled or deleted by the CME Global Command Center (GCC).
      Changes to Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index Futures: Resting Order Eliminations
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Nasdaq-100 Volatility Index Futures VLQ NQ 50.000000000 5.000000000 1000.000000000 100.000000000 1 Index Point 2 Index Points

      These changes are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

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      Expansion to Strike Price Listing and Increased Listing Cycle Schedule for Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - January 23

      Effective Sunday, January 23, 2022 (trade date Monday, January 24), the following changes will be made to the E-mini Nasdaq-100 Options on CME Globex:

      • Expansion of strike price listing for all E-mini Nasdaq-100 Options
      • Increased listing schedule for E-mini Nasdaq-100 Weekly Options (Friday expiries).

      For additional information on these changes, please refer to the Special Executive Report SER-8895.

      Expansion to Strike Price Listing for Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Strike Price Listing Procedures New Strike Price Listing Procedures
      Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Futures NQ QZ 100 index point integer multiples upon listing: +30% to -50% of the prior day’s settlement price on the underlying future contract
      10 index point integer multiples for the nearest expiration: +10% to -20% of the prior day’s settlement price on the underlying future contract.
      500-point increment: -50% to +30% (when listed)
      100-point increment: -40% to +20% (‹186 DTE)
      50-point increment: -25% to +10% (‹96 DTE)
      10-point increment: -10% to +5% (‹35 DTE)
      Dynamic strikes allowed at 5 index point increments.
      Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - End-of-Month (European-Style) QNE NW 100 index point integer multiples upon listing: +30% to -50% of the prior day’s settlement price on the underlying future contract
      10 index point integer multiples for the nearest three expirations: +10% to -20% of the prior day’s settlement price on the underlying future contract

      Wednesday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1-5 (European-Style)

      Monday Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1-5 (European-Style)

      Q1A-Q5A & Q1C-Q5C NW Strikes listed within +10% to -20% of the prior day’s settlement price of the underlying future contract in 10 index point increments.
      Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1-4 (European-Style); QN1-QN4 NW Weeks 1, 2 and 4: +10% to -20% of the prior day’s settlement price of the underlying future contract in 10 index point increments
      Week 3: +30% and -50% of the prior day’s settlement price of the underlying future contract in 100 index point increments and +10% and -20% in 10 index point increments

      Increased Listing Cycle Schedule for Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures
      Product MDP 3.0: tag 6937-Asset iLink: tag 55-Symbol
      MDP 3.0 tag 1151 - Security Group
      Current Listing Cycle New Listing Cycle
      Weekly Options on E-mini Nasdaq-100 Index Futures - Week 1-4 (European-Style); QN1-QN4 NW 2 weekly contracts of week 3; no listings provided for March, June, Sept, or Dec. 3 consecutive contracts of Week 3, including Mar, Jun, Sep, and Dec. These options will expire into the next named quarterly month (i.e., QN3H2 will expire into positions in the NQM2 Future)

      These changes are currently available for customer testing in New Release.

      These contracts are listed with, and subject to, the rules and regulations of CME.

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      Events and Announcements

      NewNew - Messaging Efficiency Program Q1 2022 Benchmarks

      The Q1 2022 CME Globex Messaging Efficiency Program Product Group Benchmarks are now available online. No changes were made to Q1 2022 existing Product Group Benchmarks vs. Q4 2021 Product Group Benchmarks.

      The CME Globex Messaging Efficiency Program creates fair business guidelines by which customers are billed a surcharge for overly high message rates.

      CME Globex firms who exceed the benchmark ratios in applicable product groups and are signed-up accordingly, receive email notifications of any potential surcharges. CME Globex firms who have access to the Firm Administrator Dashboard have the ability to view their messaging statistics on a T+1 basis.

      Please contact your Global Account Manager with any questions.

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      CME Globex Messaging Efficiency Program 2022 Holiday Calendar

      As noted in the CME Globex Messaging Efficiency Program (MEP) document, the MEP is not applied on certain dates before/on/after U.S. recognized holidays. To obtain dates as to when CME Globex Messaging Efficiency Program Ratios for all Product Groups included in the MEP will not be enforced, please refer to the CME Globex Messaging Efficiency Program Holiday Calendar.

      Please Note: The Holiday Calendar does not pertain to the Excessive Messaging Threshold (EMT) which is in effect during all trade dates and hours in which the Globex platform is open.

      If you have any questions, please contact the CME Global Command Center in the U.S. at +1 800 438 8616, in Europe at +44 20 7623 4747 or in Asia at +65 6532 5010.

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