Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond
Futures and Options
Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Options - Contract Specs
Contract Unit | 1 futures contract with face value at maturity of $100,000 |
Minimum Price Fluctuation | CME Globex: 1/64 of one point (0.015625) = $15.625 CAB: $7.00 CME ClearPort: 1/64 of one point (0.015625) = $15.625 CAB: $1.00 increments from $1.00 - $15.00 |
Price Quotation | Points and fractions of points with par on the basis of 100 points |
Trading Hours | CME Globex: Sunday 5:00 p.m. - Friday - 4:00 p.m. CT with a daily maintenance period from 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. CT CME ClearPort: Sunday 5:00 p.m. - Friday 5:45 p.m. CT with no reporting Monday - Thursday from 5:45 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. CT |
Product Code | CME Globex: OUB CME ClearPort: UBE Open Outcry: OUL Clearing: UBE |
Listed Contracts | Quarterly contracts listed for 3 consecutive quarters and serial contracts listed for 3 months |
Termination of Trading | Trading terminates on the Friday before the 2nd last business day of the month prior to contract month. |
Position Limits | |
Exchange Rulebook | |
Block Minimum | |
Price Limit or Circuit | |
Vendor Codes | |
Strike Prices Strike Price Interval | Strike prices will be listed in increments of one-half of one point for the nearest monthly (serial or quarterly) expiration. The minimum strike price range will include the at-the-money strike price closest to the current futures price plus the next forty (40) consecutive higher and the next forty (40) consecutive lower strike prices. For all other months, strike prices will be listed in increments of one point. The minimum strike price range will include the at-the-money strike price closest to the current futures price plus the next thirty (30) consecutive higher and the next thirty (30) consecutive lower strike prices. |
Exercise Style | American-style. The buyer of an option may exercise the option on any business day prior to expiration by giving notice to CME Clearing by 5:30 p.m., CT. Options that expire in-the-money after the close on the last trading day are automatically exercised, unless specific instructions are given to CME Clearing by 5:30 p.m., CT. |
Settlement Method | Deliverable |
Underlying | Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures |