User Access to File Browser

Get a step-by-step overview of how to browse for files in CME DataMine and download them to your desktop.

A File Browser tab will be made available to all CME DataMine user accounts.

The File Browser tab will enable you to search for files you have bought and to manually download the files onto your desktop. Filter criteria will be available, including by Dataset, Exchange and Product name to search for desired purchased files.

The File Browser page will show up to 1000 files. CME DataMine you should use the filters to return more specific results to find files for download.

You can see information on each file you have access to such as the size of the file in kilobytes. Click on the link within the File ID column to manually download the indicated gzip compressed file to their computer.

File Browser Displayed Columns

Name of column



The date of the market data found in the file. Format: YYYYMMDD


The type of file. Possible values are: MD, MBO, RLC, BBO, TICK, EOD, BLOCK, SECDEF, RLCSECDEF, BITCOIN


The exchange where the product is traded. Possible values are: XCEC, XCBT, XCME, XNYM, DUMX, CMED, MGCB, NYUM, XKLS

Product Code

The code assigned to a particular product

File Size

Size of the file in kilobytes

Expiration Date

The date the user has access to the file until

File ID

The name of the file as it is stored

Order #

The order number of the file from when it was purchased by the user