Global Presence

CME Group's vision is one of ongoing global growth, innovative product development, continually enhanced technology and the highest level of service available on any exchange. As a global company we are acutely aware of the importance of collaborating with other key exchanges and companies where we believe it will create significant value for all of our customers.

Chicago (-06:00 UTC)

CME Group Inc.
20 South Wacker Drive
Chicago, Illinois 60606
phone: +1 312 930 1000
fax: +1 312 466 4410
SYDNEY (+10:00 UTC)

Level 36, Gateway Tower
1 Macquarie Place,
Sydney 2000
phone: +61 2 8051 3210
NEW YORK (-05:00 UTC)

NYMEX World Headquarters
One North End Avenue
New York, New York 10282
phone: +1 212 299 2000
fax: +1 212 301 4711

Liberty Place
325 7th Street, NW
Suite 525
Washington, D.C. 20004
phone: +202 638 3838
fax: +202 638 5799
HOUSTON (-06:00 UTC)

1000 Louisiana Street
Suite 3650
Houston, Texas 77002
phone: +713 658 9294
fax: +713 658 9393
CALGARY (-07:00 UTC)

#1000, 888 - 3rd St. SW
Bankers Hall, West Tower
Calgary, Alberta,
T2P 5C5, Canada
phone: +403 444 6876 TEL
fax: +403 444 6699 FAX
LONDON (00:00 UTC)

CME Group
London Fruit & Wool Exchange
1 Duval Square
London E1 6PW
United Kingdom
phone: +44 20 3379 3700
fax: +44 20 7796 7110

Millennium House 5th Floor
25 Great Victoria Street
Belfast BT2 7AQ
United Kingdom
phone: +44 28 9089 6600 TEL
fax: +44 28 9089 6601 FAX
HONG KONG (+08:00 UTC)

Unit 1706-1708
17/F Man Yee Building
68 Des Voeux Road Central
Hong Kong
phone: +852 2582 2200
BEIJING (+08:00 UTC)

12th Floor
Beijing Excel Centre
No.6 Wudinghou Street
Xicheng District
Beijing 100033
phone: +86 10 8800 3700
fax: +86 10 8800 3800

10 Marina Boulevard #21-01
Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 2
Singapore 018983
Republic of Singapore
phone: +65 6593 5555
TOKYO (+09:00 UTC)

TOKYO TORCH Tokiwabashi Tower 9F
2-6-4 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 100-0004
phone: +81 3 5511 6656
fax: +81 3 3242 6336
Osaka Securities Exchange (+09:00 UTC)

Cross-listing arrangement for benchmark indexes for U.S. and Japanese equities
SEOUL (+09:00 UTC)

#1225, Level 12, Two IFC
10 Gukjegeumyung-ro
Seoul 07326, Korea
phone: +82 2 6336 6700
fax: +82 2 6336 6710
B3 (-03:00 UTC)

Trading Hours: (All trading times indicated as Central Time (CT) -06:00 UTC)
Electronic Trading System
7:45 to 8:00 CT - pre-opening fixing
8:00 to 15:00 CT - continuous trading session

After-Market Trading Session
15:30 to 15:45 CT - pre-opening phase
15:45 to 17:00 CT - trading phase

CME Group customers can trade at BVM&F through their current CME Globex connection.
BVM&F customers can trade at CME Globex through their current GTS connection.
SÃO PAULO (-03:00 UTC)

Avenida Paulista, 1079
7th floor, room 707. (Regus)
São Paulo SP 01311-200
phone: +55 11 2565 5996
fax: +55 11 2565 5218
Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad (BMD) (+08:00 UTC)

All Bursa Malaysia products are traded on CME Globex. Bursa is self-cleared.

Trading Hours: (All trading times indicated as Central Time (CT) -06:00 UTC)
Financial Equities: FKLI / OKLI / SSFs
19:45 to 23:45 and 1:30 to 4:15 CT - Monday through Friday

Non-Equity Financials: FKB3 / FMG3 / FMG5
20:00 to 23:30 and 1:30 to 4:00 CT - Monday through Friday

Commodities: FCPO / FPKO
21:30 to 23:30 and 2:00 to 5:00 CT - Monday through Friday (FCPO)
21:30 to 23:30 and 2:00 to 5:05 CT - Monday through Friday (FPKO)
Dubai Mercantile Exchange (DME) (+04:00 UTC)

All DME products are traded on CME Globex and CME ClearPort and cleared through CME Group.

Trading Hours: (All trading times indicated as Central Time (CT) -06:00 UTC)
CME Globex
17:00 to 16:15 CT - Sunday through Friday
(daily 45 minute maintenance window)

CME ClearPort
17:00 to 16:15 CT - Sunday through Friday
Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) (+02:00 UTC)

JSE has extended its existing licensing agreement with CME Group from a corn futures contract based on CBOT's settlement prices to now give South Africans the ability to trade rand-denominated platinum, gold and crude oil futures contracts.
Moscow Exchange (+04:00 UTC)

Licensing agreement for CME Group's settlement prices on Wheat
Minneapolis Grain Exchange (MGEX) (-06:00 UTC)

All MGEX products are traded on CME Globex. MGEX is self-cleared.

Trading Hours: (All trading times indicated as Central Time (CT) -06:00 UTC)
18:00 to 13:45 CT - Sunday through Friday

18:00 to 7:15 CT - Sunday through Friday
9:30 to 13:30 CT - Monday through Friday

18:00 to 13:45 CT - Sunday through Friday
Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd (+05:30 UTC)

Licensing agreement for CME Group’s settlement prices on WTI oil and Natural Gas

National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. (NSE) (+05:30 UTC)

NSE and CME Group announced a cross-listing arrangement that includes license agreements covering benchmark indexes for U.S. and Indian equities.
Mexican Derivatives Exchange (MexDer) (-06:00 UTC)

CME Group customers can trade at MexDer through their current CME Globex connection. MexDer customers can trade at CME Globex through their current MexDer connection.

Trading Hours: (All trading times indicated as Central Time (CT) -06:00 UTC)
Currency Futures - 7:30 to 14:00 CT
Stock Index Futures and Options - 7:30 to 15:00 CT
Interest Rate Futures - 7:30 to 14:15 CT
Individual Stock Futures and Options - 7:30 to 15:00 CT
USA Dollar Options - 7:30 to 14:00 CT
Singapore Exchange Limited (SGX) (+08:00 UTC)

SGX's Mutual Offset System (MOS) with CME is the world's first and most successful futures trading link. This facility provides round-the-clock trading of Eurodollar and Euroyen futures and options.
FEX Global (+10:00 UTC)

Clearing services agreement under which CME Clearing provides clearing services to FEX Global.
phone: +61 2 8024 5200

Exchange Relationships

Exchange Summary More Information
B3 Commercial agreement based on cross listing of products and ongoing business development discussions.
Bursa Malaysia Derivatives Berhad Commercial agreement based on settlement price licensing of BMD Crude Palm Oil (FCPO) futures and hosting of BMD contracts on CME Globex
Gulf Mercantile Exchange Joint venture with Dubai Holdings and the Oman Investment Fund (OFI) establishing the Middle East's premier commodities Exchange
Minneapolis Grain Exchange Commercial agreement to host MGEX products on CME Globex
Singapore Exchange Limited Mutual Offset System (MOS) supporting around-the-clock trading of Nikkei

Clearing Relationships

Exchange Summary More Information
FEX Global CME and FEX Global have signed a clearing services agreement under which CME Clearing provides clearing services to FEX Global

Index Relationships

Company Summary More Information
B3 As part of a strategic partnership with B3, CME Group offers Ibovespa (USD) futures on CME Globex. A cross-listing arrangement gives clients access to key, globally relevant benchmark products.
FTSE Russell Indexes CME Group has a licensing agreement to offer futures and options and futures on benchmark U.S. and International FTSE Russell indexes.
NASDAQ CME Group has a licensing agreement to offer futures and options on futures on the benchmark NASDAQ-100 index, as well as futures on the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index.
Nikkei Inc. CME Group has a licensing agreement to offer both Yen- and USD-denominated futures and options on futures on the Nikkei 225 Stock Average
S&P Dow Jones Indices S&P Dow Jones Indices, a joint venture between CME Group and McGraw-Hill Financial, is a leading global index company. CME Group has a licensing agreement to offer futures and options on futures on a range of S&P and Dow Jones indices, including the benchmark S&P 500 Index.
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. As part of a strategic partnership with Japan Exchange Group, Inc., CME Group has a licensing agreement to offer Yen-denominated futures on the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX).

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