Figure 1: South Korea ran trade deficits pre-1997 and has mostly run surpluses since

Figure 1: South Korea ran trade deficits pre-1997 and has mostly run surpluses since

Figure 2: Persistent Korean trade surpluses & U.S. deficits has kept USDKRW rangebound since 2010

Figure 2: Persistent Korean trade surpluses & U.S. deficits has kept USDKRW rangebound since 2010

A similar but less pronounced difference between the U.S. and South Korea relates to budget deficits.  While the U.S. has run budget deficits, including large ones at times, since 2002, South Korea has mostly run budget surpluses in the 0-2% of GDP range, with occasional exceptions including a 3.6% of GDP budget deficit in 2020 that was a fraction of the U.S. fiscal deficit of nearly 20% of GDP last year.

USDKRW appears to be relatively impervious to other factors that typically drive exchange rates.  For example, pre-2009, the interest rate differential between the South Korean Official Bank Rate and the U.S. Fed funds rates moved roughly in tandem with USDKRW (Figure 3).  Since 2009, the currency pair no longer appears to take much direction from changes in short-term interest rate differentials between the two countries. 

Figure 3: Interest rate differentials appear to have little influence on USDKRW recently

Figure 3: Interest rate differentials appear to have little influence on USDKRW recently

The lack of focus on short-term rate differentials may stem from the fact that investors in both South Korea and the U.S. see both central banks as having the credibility to keep prices stable over long periods of time.  As such, investors showed little reaction on Bank of Korea’s (BOK) recent rate hike.  That said, the prospect of potentially tighter Fed monetary policy in the U.S, may be attracting funds to U.S. dollar bonds and may explain some of the recent weakness in KRW. 

Another reason why interest rate differentials don’t appear to explain the USDKRW exchange particularly well is that South Korean interest rates have converged towards zero over time.  Even after the BOK’s recent rate hike, South Korean rates are still only at 0.75%.  The low level of South Korean interest rates reflects stable inflation (Figure 4) as well as the substantial growth in South Korea’s total level of debt (public + private).  South Korea’s total level of debt has risen from around 150% of GDP in 2000 to nearly 260% by early 2021.  As such, South Korea is discovering like Japan, Europe and the U.S. that the easiest way to finance large levels of debt is through near zero interest rates.  As such, currency investors might remain more focused on trade and fiscal deficits/surpluses as well as growth differentials.

Figure 4: South Korea’s inflation rate has been low and stable for the past two decades

Figure 4: South Korea’s inflation rate has been low and stable for the past two decades

South Korea has a low level of government debt but quite high levels of private sector debt (Figure 5).  High levels of private sector debt usually don’t pose problems until there is substantial monetary tightening by the central bank.  Should South Korea ever experience financial stress in its private sector, the country’s public sector could likely step in by cutting taxes, raising spending or otherwise bailing out the private corporations.  Doing so would likely weaken KRW but for the moment that seems like an unlikely prospect.

Figure 5: South Korean debt levels have risen, especially in the private sector

Figure 5: South Korean debt levels have risen, especially in the private sector

Finally, although KRW has weakened thus far in 2021 versus USD, it has outperformed the yen and underperformed the yuan. From a competitive perspective what happens to the Japanese and Chinese currencies can be key to determining the value of KRW (our related articles here and here).

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