Monthly Base-load and Peak-load Calendar

As per Rulebooks NYMEX 796 and NYMEX 798, the Floating Price for each Tokyo Base-load (JBT) and Kansai Base-load (JBK) futures contract month is equal to the arithmetic average of JEPX Spot Market 30 minutes prices (0:00~24:00) for the corresponding area and for each calendar day during the contract month.

As per Rulebooks NYMEX 797 and NYMEX 798, the Floating Price for each Tokyo Peak-load (JPT) and Kansai Peak-load (JPK) futures contract month is equal to the arithmetic average of JEPX Spot Market 30 minutes prices (from 08:00 to 20:00) for the corresponding Area and for each week day (Mon-Fri) during the contract month not defined as Japanese national or bank holidays.

Japan bank holidays are fixed every year and set as December 31 to January 1 (included).

National holidays are set and amended by the Cabinet Office.

Contract Month

Monthly Baseload

Monthly Peakload

Contract Unit (MWh)

# of Days

Contract Unit (MWh)

# of Weekdays

Days Treated as non-weekdays

Jan-24 744 31 228 19 January 1: New Year (Obs)
January 2: Bank Holiday
January 3: Bank Holiday
January 8: Coming-of-age Day
Feb-24 696 29 228 19 February 12: National Foundation Day (obs.)
February 23: Emperor's Brithday
Mar-24 744 31 240 20 Mach 20: Vernal Equinox Day
Apr-24 720 30 252 21 April 29: Showa Day
May-24 744 31 252 21 May 3: Constitution Day
May 6: Children Day (obs.)
Jun-24 720 30 240 20  
Jul-24 744 31 264 22 July 15: Marine Day
Aug-24 744 31 252 21 August 12: Mountain Day
Sep-24 720 30 228 19 September 16: Respect-for-the-aged Day (obs.)
September 23: Autumnal Equinox Day
Oct-24 744 31 264 22 October 14: Sport Day
Nov-24 720 30 240 20 November 4: Culture Day (obs.)
Dec-24 744 31 252 21 December 31: Bank Holiday
Jan-25 744 31 228 19 January 1: New Year
January 2: Bank Holiday
January 3: Bank Holiday
January 13: Coming-of-age Day
Feb-25 672 28 216 18 February 11: National Foundation Day
February 24: Emperor's Brithday (obs.)
Mar-25 744 31 240 20 Mach 20: Vernal Equinox Day
Apr-25 720 30 252 21 April 29: Showa Day
May-25 744 31 240 20 May 5: Children Day
May 6: Greenery Day (obs.)
Jun-25 720 30 252 21  
Jul-25 744 31 264 22 July 21: Marine Day
Aug-25 744 31 240 20 August 11: Mountain Day
Sep-25 720 30 240 20 September 15: Respect-for-the-aged Day
September 23: Autumnal Equinox Day
Oct-25 744 31 264 22 October 13: Sport Day
Nov-25 720 30 216 18 November 3: Culture Day
November 24: Labor Thanksgiving Day (obs.)
Dec-25 744 31 264 22 December 31: Bank Holiday