FAQ: Market Data Billing

This FAQ provides further information on CME Group, DME and S&P Dow Jones Indices billing, invoices, statement and payment information. For specific information regarding Market Data Fees, please visit the respective fee schedule below based on the type of agreement your firm has with CME Group.

General questions:

What are the different dates on the invoice?

  • Invoice date: The date billing is rendered 
  • Due date: The due date of payment, which is 30 days from the invoice date  
  • From date: The first day of service(s) rendered
  • To date: The last day of service(s) rendered

What is the difference between an invoice and a statement?

  • Invoices show a balance within a specified billing period inclusive of the breakdown of fees.
  • Statements show a billing account’s outstanding balance and a breakdown of all invoices that have an open balance.  

Why are there past periods on my current invoice?

  • Many, but not all, market data products require reported access from your firm. Reported access is collected one month in arrears. As an example, December inventory is due to CME Group by January 31; therefore, as a typical example, your January invoice will charge for December's access. If adjustments are submitted by your firm for any other prior period, these will also be billed on the current invoice. 
  • For products that are not billed in arrears, considered current period, adjustments to prior access could pertain to a credit adjustment or a correction in billing.

Why are my CME Group (including DME) and S&P Dow Jones Indices fees listed on separate invoices?

CME Group (including DME) and S&P Dow Jones Indices are two separate agreements, resulting in fees being issued on standalone invoices.

How does my firm access more detailed information about my invoice such as subscriber level detail and tax information?

Your firm can access more granular level data from the invoice addendum. This addendum provides a breakdown of fees at license level, by service location and includes tax assessment information.

Where can I access the invoice addendum?

  • The invoice addendum can be accessed via the CME Data Services Portal under the Invoices page. A CME Group Login ID is required to access this portal.
    • If you do not have a CME Group Login ID, you can register here.
  • For access to your invoices within the portal, please contact the respective team:     
  • Once logged into the portal, select “View Excel” under the View Addendum column within the table for the respective invoice. 

Why is my firm being charged sales tax?

  • Sales tax is charged when your contracting address or your firm's subscribers are located in Arizona, Connecticut, Denver (CO), New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas and Washington.
  • If you believe your firm is exempt from paying sales tax through CME Group, please provide a copy of your tax exemption form to CME Group Market Data

How is my firm able to see tax per location reported?

  • Tax per location can be viewed in more detail via the invoice addendum as it provides a line by line breakout of fees specific to each location.
  • The invoice addendum can be accessed via the CME Data Services Portal under the Invoices page. A CME Login ID is required to access this portal.
  • For access to your invoices within the portal, please contact the respective team:     
  • Once logged into the portal, select “View Excel” under View Addendum column within table for respective invoice. 

How can my firm request a copy of a current or past invoice?

Please contact CME Billing for invoice copies.

Who can my firm contact with questions around remittance and invoice payment details?

Remittance and payment questions should be sent to CME Billing.

Where does my firm remit payment?

My firm terminated its agreement last month; why am I getting an invoice?

  • CME Group bills for reported access in arrears. Depending on your agreement, access, and usage, your last invoice may be received two or three months after your agreement’s termination date. 
  • For CME Direct specifically, CME Group bills in arrears and based on the previous quarters ADV (average daily volume): 
  • Access in April
  • Invoice date of May 
  • Invoice is delivered in June 
  • Based on Q1 ADV 

How does my firm update and/or change billing contact(s)?

Requests can be sent to CME Billing.

How does my firm update and/or change billing address?

Requests can be sent to the respective teams below.   

How does my firm add a PO number to my invoice?

Requests can be sent to the respective teams below:   

How does my firm consolidate or split billing accounts?

Requests can be sent to the respective teams below.

How does my firm enroll in auto-debit?

To opt in, please email CME Accounts Receivable for an auto-debit form and return to CME Accounts Receivable once complete.

For all other questions

For additional information on derived data, contact CME Group Derived Data.

CME DataMine - Historical Data

For questions on accessing CME DataMine data or questions on order subscriptions:

  • The Market Tech Sales team can assist with your inquiry. Send an inquiry to CME Data Sales.

For additional information on CME DataMine historical data, send an inquiry to CME Data Sales.

Additional information

Sample PDF below for reference

  1. Invoice Number
  2. Invoice Date: The date billing rendered.  
  3. Customer ID: Client billing account number
  4. Bill To Address: Physical address that the invoice would be sent to if sent via mail.
  5. Ship To Address: Customer’s legal address as listed on the agreement.
  6. Due Date: The due date of payment, which is 30 days from Invoice Date
  7. Total Amount on invoice
  8. From Date: The first month of services rendered
  9. To Date: The last month of services rendered
  10. Quantity: Quantity of services provided
  11. Unit cost
  12. Total prior to tax
  13. Tax owed
  14. Total amount due (including tax)
  15. Remittance address (if sending check)
  16. Wire remittance (wire transfers)
  17. ACH remittance instructions