Using the codes below, follow these steps to access information about CME Group FX futures through a Bloomberg terminal. 

Tickers for FX futures, futures spreads and FX Link:

  Currency Pairs Futures  Bloomberg Multiplier* Calendar Spreads** FX Link
Majors EUR/USD ECA <Curncy> 1 ECEC <Curncy> LK + EUR + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
JPY/USD JYA <Curncy> 10,000 JYJY <Curncy> LK + JPY + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
GBP/USD BPA <Curncy> 100 BPBP <Curncy> LK + GBP + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
AUD/USD ADA <Curncy> 100 ADAD <Curncy> LK + AUD + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
CAD/USD CDA <Curncy> 100 CDCD <Curncy> LK + CAD + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
CHF/USD SFA <Curncy> 100 SFSF <Curncy> LK + CHF + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
NZD/USD NVA <Curncy> 100 NVNV <Curncy> LK + NZD + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
USD/CNH CHYA <Curncy>  1 CHYCHY <Curncy>  
LATAM MXN/USD PEA <Curncy> 100 PEPE <Curncy> LK + MXN + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
BRL/USD BRA <Curncy> 100 BRBR <Curncy>   
CLP/USD PLCA <Curncy> 100 PLCPLC <Curncy>  
Emerging Markets ZAR/USD RAA <Curncy> 100 RARA <Curncy> LK + ZAR + <CME Expiry Month Code> + <Expiry Year (YY)> + <Curncy>
RUB/USD RUA <Curncy> - RURU <Curncy>  
TRY/USD TLCA <Curncy> 1 TLCTLC <Curncy>  
Scandis NOK/USD NOA <Curncy> 100 NONO <Curncy>  
SEK/USD SEA <Curncy> 100 SESE <Curncy>  
EUR/NOK ENA <Curncy> 1 ENEN <Curncy>  
EUR/SEK EWA <Curncy> 1 EWEW <Curncy>  
CE4 CZK/USD CCA <Curncy> 1 CCCC <Curncy>  
HUF/USD HEA <Curncy> 100 HEHE <Curncy>  
PLN/USD PPA <Curncy> 1 PPPP <Curncy>  
ILS/USD ISA <Curncy> 1 ISIS <Curncy>  
CZK/EUR EXA <Curncy> 1 EXEX <Curncy>  
HUF/EUR ELA <Curncy> 100 ELEL <Curncy>  
PLN/EUR EIA <Curncy> 1 EIEI <Curncy>  
EUR Crosses EUR/GBP RPA <Curncy> 1 RPRP <Curncy>  
EUR/CAD CAA <Curncy> 1 CACA <Curncy>  
EUR/JPY RYA <Curncy> 1 RYRY <Curncy>  
EUR/CHF RFA <Curncy> 1 RFRF <Curncy>  
EUR/AUD EAA <Curncy> 1 EAEA <Curncy>  
Other Crosses GBP/JPY PJA <Curncy> 1 PJPJ <Curncy>  
GBP/CHF PSA <Curncy> 1 PSPS <Curncy>  
CHF/JPY SJA <Curncy> 1 SJSJ <Curncy>  
AUD/CAD ACA <Curncy> 1 ACAC <Curncy>  
AUD/JPY AJA <Curncy> 1 AJAJ <Curncy>  
AUD/NZD ANA <Curncy> 1 ANAN <Curncy>  
CAD/JPY CYA <Curncy> 1 CYCY <Curncy>  
Asian NDF KRW/USD KOA <Curncy> 100 KOKO <Curncy>  
INR/USD SIRA <Curncy> 1 SIRSIR <Curncy>  
CNY/USD DOA <Curncy> 1 DODO <Curncy>  
CNY/EUR DPA <Curncy>  1 DPDP <Curncy>  

* For example, JPY/USD is quoted at 0.0067885 on CME, Bloomberg price would show 67.885. By dividing 67.885 by the multiplier (10,000) to convert into the CME Direct price which is 0.0067885

**The default ticker brings up the current front serial contract + the subsequent month contract by default, you can however query specific Calendar Spreads instrument directly:

  • For 4-digit ticker (e.g., ECEC): "First 2-digit of the ticker" + "1st Leg Expiry Month Code" + "1st Leg Last digit of Year" + "First 2-digit of the ticker" + "2nd Leg Expiry Month Code" + "2nd Leg Last digit of Year". For example, EUR/USD Sept-24 vs. Dec-24 spread, the ticker is “ECU4ECZ4 <Curncy>
  • For 6-digit ticker (e.g., CHYCHY): "First 3-digit of the ticker" + "1st Leg Expiry Month Code" + "1st Leg Last digit of Year "+ "2nd Leg Expiry Month Code " + "2nd  Leg Last digit of Year ". For example, USD/CNH Sept-24 vs. Dec-24 spread, the ticker is “CHYU4Z4 <Curncy>




Month Codes


How to check contract details using <CT>:

FX Futures

1. Taking “ECA <Curncy>” (EUR/USD futures) as example, type in “ECA Curncy CT” and press “Enter.

 2. Under the contract detail’s view:

  1. #1 lists out available futures settlement dates that can be traded.
  2. You can switch between Monthly and Quarterly view in “Type” (see #2). 
  3. In the contract table (#3), right-click a contract, select additional function(s) to view further details (e.g., <DES> shows the contract specification, e.g., contract/tick size etc.). 
  4. You can switch to Calendar Spreads view (#4) by clicking on Spreads tab.
  5. Under “Settings” (#5), you can customise columns to show/hide items (e.g., Yesterday’s End-of-Day settlement price etc.) and update “Security Display” type (Ticker or Description).

FX Futures Calendar Spreads

1. Taking “ECEC <Curncy>” (EUR/USD Calendar Spreads) as example, type in “ECEC Curncy CT” and press “Enter” – see Fig. 3. For a specific instrument, e.g., EUR/USD Sept-24 vs Dec-24 spread, you can directly type in “ECU4ECZ4 Curncy CT” and press “Enter” – see Fig. 4.  Alternatively, views can be switched between Futures and Spreads view (see the former Futures section, sub-point 2,d).


2. Under the Contract Details view

  • You can configure the first leg month (#1) and the length of the spread (#2).
  • Left click (#3) to select a specific Calendar Spread instrument and switch price chart between Intraday and Daily view (#4).

FX Link

1. Taking EUR/USD FX Link Sept 2024 Settlement as an example, type in “LKEURU24 Curncy CT” and press “Enter”.

2. Under the Contract Details view: 
The front leg futures is shown upfront followed by the spot leg dummied by “Dec-50” (#1).

How to check previous trade day’s volume and open interest using <CTM>

1. Type in “CTM” then press “Enter

2. Click on (19) CURR – Currency

3. Select “Future” under the Type column and type in “CME” under the Exchange column:

CME Group is the world’s leading derivatives marketplace. The company is comprised of four Designated Contract Markets (DCMs). 
Further information on each exchange's rules and product listings can be found by clicking on the links to CME, CBOT, NYMEX and COMEX.

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