Onboarding: Global Repository Services

The onboarding process for CME Global Repository Services is quick and easy, with four simple steps. 

Register to Receive a Legal Entity Identifier

Register your entity for a legal entity identifier (LEI), with a Regulatory Oversight Committee-approved Local Operating Unit (LOU), who will allocate an LEI for you.

Legal Agreements

Complete the corresponding agreement electronically and submit by clicking the 'submit' button on the form.

Should you require assistance or wish to register further related legal entities, please contact GRS Client Services: 

Support Team

Chicago: +1 312 580 5352

London: +44 (0) 203 379 3180

Singapore: +65 6593 5592

Application Processing

When we receive your application, CME Group will return an auto-response to acknowledge your request.

Once the registration is complete, CME Group will confirm your successful registration via email.

Registered users must call the CME Registration Team to receive their username and password. This call is required for security reasons.

Submit and Access Transactions

Registered users may now begin to submit and view derivative transactions and pricing data. Please refer to the user guide for guidance.

More in Global Repository Services